Is this playable for the PS3?F1 2010-2016 

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Right now my pc is somewhat dated, don't have a wheel that's compatible with the 360 and I know the PS3 is way behind the other said versions of the game, but it's the easiest option by far for me.

So, is F1 2012 playable on the ps3? I don't care about graphics the slightest bit but only about wheel responsiveness (g27), steady fps (I know it'll be worse than the 360), hopefully 60fps (steady or not unless it goes down to 30 lots) and so on. Thanks.
The demo almost put me off. I'm a ps3 user. I hated the skittish handling on straights that the demo had. Any way I went and bought it after trying not to for a few days. purchase this year for me. The graphics are slightly better than last year's but you wont even notice this as you will be to busy attacking and defending. The game is awesome for racing. I'm on pro level in a caterham and done three races so far as well as the other modes for a bit. This is a much better game than 2011. Oversteer has not been an issue for me as it only happens if you brake too late and are forced off the racing line (makes sense, less grip), or if you start to accelerate before your front wheels have hit/passed the apex. This is all well for me as I imagine this to be reasonable to expect in real life too. The rewards come from staying on the racing line. I use a gtpro Logitech and have my wheel feeling nice, in fact nicer than 2011. Have encountered a few bugs but not game breakers and am now worried the patch will change things I already like, for example the AI speed on pro level which I hear might be upped. I can have a reasonably realistic battle at current AI speed but the next level down is too slow so this is a concern for me. Otherwise do yourself a favour, buy this game and teach Maldonado some road manners! ...Oh another little gripe, you can't save replays which are ore watchable now although a bit repetitive with the camera angles.
Right now my pc is somewhat dated, don't have a wheel that's compatible with the 360 and I know the PS3 is way behind the other said versions of the game, but it's the easiest option by far for me.

So, is F1 2012 playable on the ps3? I don't care about graphics the slightest bit but only about wheel responsiveness (g27), steady fps (I know it'll be worse than the 360), hopefully 60fps (steady or not unless it goes down to 30 lots) and so on. Thanks.

Both consoles version only run at 30fps with the PS3 version dropping a few frames under 30 at times. PS3 f12012 frame rate is playable and over all better than f12011.
I have the game for both PS3 and PC. After the last few patches on the PC for some reason the frame rate isn't as smooth as before.
The advantage of PS3 for me is online (free which is why I didn't get it for X360)
The advantage of PC for me is triple screen. On the PC online is pretty much empty.
Look, you can set your wheel in Profiler the way you want.

On PS3, the default rotation is somewhere 200° meaning you will have to play around the settings. But beware, what ever you do, you won't come as close as to PC Profiler. If you increase saturation, the rotation will DECREASE ... I won't say anything more. Wheel has better support on PC. FOR NOW!

I've been in contact with one of the lead devs who said, PS3 (also xbox I guess) will have 900° rotation which means you will be able to decrease it down to degree you want. Thanks to me and also some other people who made couple of constructive threads on official codemasters forum and my conversation with lead devs on twitter, we will get the game we always deserved.
interesting, thanks for the info. i may have hope for this game yet as that's my biggest problem with the game!

do you have the links to the posts so i could have a read? thanks.
Right now my pc is somewhat dated, don't have a wheel that's compatible with the 360 and I know the PS3 is way behind the other said versions of the game, but it's the easiest option by far for me.

So, is F1 2012 playable on the ps3? I don't care about graphics the slightest bit but only about wheel responsiveness (g27), steady fps (I know it'll be worse than the 360), hopefully 60fps (steady or not unless it goes down to 30 lots) and so on. Thanks.

Don't get anyway near ps3 version of F1 2012, this game is unplayable. I've rented, tried to force my G27 work like it was working with F1 2011, and i couldn't find any reasonable setup so the car could react like i want.

Steering is broken. I have no idea how people manage to overcome that issue.
great to hear, I prey it does fix the issue once and for all and I can start enjoying the game with my wheel.

keep us posted mate!
Harry Chalcraft ‏@djhazardous
@TheLeeMather Hey, I read the console patch is now in testing. How is the handling with 900 degree wheels now? Eagerly awaiting the PS3 fix.

Lee Mather Lee Mather ‏@TheLeeMather
@djhazardous it feels spot on. Running saturation around 60-65% is where I run with the update

Harry Chalcraft ‏@djhazardous
@TheLeeMather Great, thanks for the reply. So you increase the saturation, not decrease it? That had the opposite effect before didn't it?

Lee Mather ‏@TheLeeMather
@djhazardous at 0% you get 900 degrees so you'll want to reduce it down to be more F1 and less road car.

Harry Chalcraft ‏@djhazardous
@TheLeeMather Or is it a new slider setting all together? I thought you were referring to the steering saturation at 60-65%?

Lee Mather Lee Mather ‏@TheLeeMather
@djhazardous same slider, only now it's useful. Lol.

Tom Lee Chan Tom Lee Chan ‏@TomekLeeChan
@TheLeeMather @djhazardous yeah I bet now it is :D 63% means 330° which is a spot on. Awesome news Lee!

Lee Mather Lee Mather ‏@TheLeeMather
@TomekLeeChan @djhazardous looking forward to hearing your response to it once it's live.

Tom Lee Chan Tom Lee Chan ‏@TomekLeeChan
@TheLeeMather @djhazardous i'm honored :D i will leave you a response! have a great day Lee

So great news everyone, again. We will have our own desired wheel degree we want. Awesome news! Cannot wait anymore for patch!!!
"The patches for PS3 and Xbox 360 have now been sent for submission with the relevant first parties. We anticipate that the PS3 patch for Europe - English / French / German / Italian / Spanish and Japan will be released at the end of this week. The Xbox 360 patch should be released early next week. Finally the PS3 patch for European Polish / Russian and American versions will follow in another week or two.

All of these dates are estimates and subject to the relevant approvals.

Thanks again for your continued patience."
The patch is out.

Try the saturation on 63% and enjoy it.

The game is now actually playable, much love!

I'm using t500rs with F1 intergral wheel, since the patch on ps3 ive left all settings at stock but as Joie de vivre! recomended i changed saturation to 63% and it's great !!!👍
Yep, it's awesome. The default setting means steering lock is 900°, so you have to increase saturation. 63% means cca. 330° which is a spot on and resembles the real life steering lock.

Incase if you find it weird (yes that also happens to a lot of people), just increase saturation above 70% if you prefered previous handlin of 200° steering lock which IMO is stupid move and you have to alter it with linearity which gives you artifical handling.

The patch finally fixed the problem which I and fellow friends on official forum discused and addressed to CM devs.

The only thing I find missing is more resistance in the center of the wheel. When travelling high speed, the steering wheel becomes a little bit loose. Some resistance would fix that.
Don't get anyway near ps3 version of F1 2012, this game is unplayable. I've rented, tried to force my G27 work like it was working with F1 2011, and i couldn't find any reasonable setup so the car could react like i want.

Steering is broken. I have no idea how people manage to overcome that issue.

The PS3 version works fine, you just have to adjust the "advanced wheel settings" to match your wheel to the game. F2010/F2011 are different too.
I'm using a Logitech DFGT wheel and I've set all deadzones to zero.
The saturation level seems to be a BIG problem with most wheels.
At the moment I have mine at 20%. At 95% I couldn't even get off the grid!!!
The other settings I've got around 50%.
Hope this helps, Have fun.
If you own a ps3, I would suggest you to play Formula One Championship edition. That game is a lot better.

Not really. As much as i loved F1:CE the steering model is no where as good to F1 2012. That and the AI is horribly slow even on hard. The oversteer/understeer is almost impossible to control.
Now before you read my "opinion" you need to know that I do play this game and have logged around 3,000 miles in career mode & so I know the game well on the latest "patch."

The game is playable on legend with TC on medium or Pro with no assists. But Legend is a fair bit harder once you get used to the game. Its nice to have all the F1 cars, the main thing is the lack of realistic "feel" that GT5 is. GT5's re-playability is there due to the cars feeling more real.

You get slammed every time you hit a small kerb..., whereas when you run over a tall kerb like the chicane at Hungary there's not much of a shock at all. Sort of like when a construction "bump" sign on the highway turns out to be a tiny crack. You also cannot feel the car's tail sliding out, you cannot feel oversteer. The game engine only allows you to feel understeer (or too much steering angle.)

The AI is crazy quick in the wet, their glitchy in general for wet conditions. Sometimes they stay out too long on slicks and crash everywhere. Remember I've got latest "patch." f1 2010 had better AI, just a touch to slow on legend. Some of the AI's 2012 sector times do not resemble what is possible for the player. Read this:

Not to say the game is a bad idea, but its a title that would be much much better off being released once every 2 years, or once every 36 months.
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