Is This Rice?


Do you see that Red Pickup with that HUGE spoiler? Is it rice?

The clear taillights/altezza's are "ricey." The only way that wing is "rice" is if it's a close to stock truck that doesn't even need it for any downforce. There's a truck around here with a huge cowl hood, nice paint, and Mickey Thompson DR's wider than both of my T/A's wheels put together, and it has a stock 350 in it.:rolleyes:
to keep the rear end planted!! bacuse that is where the car gets all the traction, and traction in drag cars is EVERYTHING. so, if the air can be made to help you put some extra kg of pressure over your rear slicks, much the better. still, I dont think that it is AS powerfull as it looks, and neither I think that THAT kind of wing would help anyway, because, as you can see the bed is wide open. the air circulates down the wing, and that doesnt help that much to plant the car. that helps to give stability, wich isnt as substantial as the downforce to keep the tires touching the strip as much as they can. if the bed was closed, or at least if the wing was just directly installed at the end of the bed, without supports, I think that way the truck would do. I dont think that wing makes NOTHIGN good for that thing o.O


'sides, look at those transparent taillamps :P
i just noticed those tires look WAY over inflated for drag racing. that might just be a show truck. it also appers to have the stock gas tank to and not a feul cell.
Originally posted by Josh
The clear taillights/altezza's are "ricey." The only way that wing is "rice" is if it's a close to stock truck that doesn't even need it for any downforce. There's a truck around here with a huge cowl hood, nice paint, and Mickey Thompson DR's wider than both of my T/A's wheels put together, and it has a stock 350 in it.:rolleyes:

haha, yeah. I dont even think that THAT truck needs it... the tires are not THAT huge to indicate ANY OMG-so-powerfull engine, so I also think the wing is useless.


WANNA BE DRIFTER!!! you HAVE to PM me the page or wherever you got your avatar :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: PLEEAAASSSEEEE O.O
It's hard to really tell by those tires, if there was a better shot then maybe, but the bulge on the tires seems to be relative to a smaller sized tire. And the treading on those tires, I know it's a bad assumption, but they don't look like they would be for drag racing use.
They look like a set of Mickey Thompson's, or something similar.
Mickey Thompson® Sportsman Pro®
Nylon, black, tubetype 8/32 tread depth

Oh ok, well then, I'd still like to see a independant pic of that truck, still COULD be rice in my mind, there's no sort of incline on the truck that I can notice giving the idea of a bigger back wheel, but then again the wheel is tucked. And geez Cobraboy, is everything that comes from you either sarcasm or a blatent attempt at being an azz?