Is this spec good enough for PC Gaming?

United Kingdom
Donegal, IRL
OK, so I'm going to be relieving my Dad of his homebuilt PC in the coming week(s), I know enough to know that the spec is a 1000x better than the Dell I am using now, but what is it like for stuff such as gaming...

The spec:

Intel Processor. Core i7-860

8 Gb RAM

1 Tb Hard Drive

eVGA GeForce GT220 1 Gb graphics card

Gigabyte P55A-UD4P motherboard

I won't bother including the likes of the USB 3.0 or the 2x Litescribe DVD Writers, as I know they aren't important with regards my question!

Short version - it's not going to run new games on über max mode but it should be decent enough.

Slightly longer version - Everyone's opinion on what is acceptable regarding gaming is different so it's kind of difficult to say if you'll like it. That said, with that motherboard, you can't upgrade the CPU enough to do any good. Depending on the PSU, you might, I repeat MIGHT have a hard time upgrading the GPU, too. That's somewhat unlikely, though. Fire it up, install a game or three and see how she runs! 👍
thats a good enough answer for me chief!

I have a PS3 for gaming anyway, but if I can possibly give most gaes a go and high enough settings that it is smooth and playable, then I will be happy. Like you say, best thing to do, is to chuck some games on and see what happens
Well... yeah. :lol:

The sad part is in a few years we'll be saying the same thing about the 770. :scared:
Ew. Ewwwwww. Ewwwwwwwwwwww.

Trying to game on a GT220 is like trying to cook a roast in a microwave, ie it doesn't work.

The funny thing is, my parents don't have an oven, they have a fancy microwave (and a regular microwave) and cooking a roast works very well for them......