Is this the worst week period?

  • Thread starter FoRiZon


Plane crash at France alps, Jeremy Clarkson sacked, Lee Kwan Yew dies, GT Academy fatal crash, sudden Middle Eastern occupation, etc.

Zayn quits (i didnt really like the band) plus numerous incidents and deaths on my country.

I know theres been always a bad news for each week. But i feel that this specific week is the worst with a massive pileups of them. Your thoughts?
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Well, for starters, some millionaire losing his TV show hardly qualifies as "bad" news, especially in the context of the other events.

Secondly, I would love it if the past week was the worst week in the history of mankind.
Plane crash at France alps

Very sad but relatively smaller than the Air France crash, definitely smaller than the result of the 9/11 crashes. Also well-covered here.

Jeremy Clarkson sacked

Millionaire friend of the Prime Minister punches another man at work and is sacked, this is good news given the protection that The Institution has shown to have given to itself in recent years. And I'm a fan of Clarkson as an entertainer, incidentally.

Lee Kwan Yew dies

I knew little about him until his death but yes, it sounds like a good man died. Not the only good man to ever die, though.

GT Academy fatal crash

I suspect this is well covered in Motorsport and, as tragic as the information is, it doesn't begin to touch the horror of the Le Mans crash.

EDIT: Oh look...

sudden Middle Eastern occupation, etc.

If that's what you call sudden then I suspect that hearing a firework go off would cause you a cardiac arrest.

Zayn quits (i didnt really like the band) plus numerous incidents and deaths on my country.

Why is that a spoiler?

Then you made this thread, which is just one more bad news for this week.

Add whatever was going on with WWI, to arguably find the worst week in human history.

Lol ok can anyone close the thread please.
You know, you could have just asked that of a member of staff - or even just left the thread alone to die - rather than making yet another useless post and, while you're at it, making the entire thread even more useless by editing out your first post and leaving a nonsensical title.

So no. No I can't.
Add whatever was going on with WWI, to arguably find the worst week in human history.

That's actually an interesting idea. Are there any charts for unnatural dying etc.? WWI was pretty gruesome for sure, but I could imagine that things like the Plague, or mass bombings in WWII could "trump" it.
I was being serious when I asked if a hug was needed.

I miss Zayn too. So much even that I might follow him to Syria.
That's actually an interesting idea. Are there any charts for unnatural dying etc.? WWI was pretty gruesome for sure, but I could imagine that things like the Plague, or mass bombings in WWII could "trump" it.

I'm sure you can find graphs and charts for just about anything with a few googles.

The flu killed 50 million in 1918 or there abouts, the black plague killed just about as many and could be considered worse as at the time it wiped out a large chunk of Europe(60% ?) Both bombs in Japan plus the dying aftermath is about 1/4 million.

I chose a week in time I thought to be the worst 👍
This can't be the worst week because I get to pick up my new car on Tuesday. Although it is Sunday now so we could be talking about the week that just passed. But the thread was started today according to my timezone.

I also don't have the flu, the plague, and although I haven't been outside in the last hour I'm pretty sure there have been no localized wars or thermonuclear detonations.

I'm confused.
It can't be worse than the week of 28 August-3 September 1939.
I'm pretty sure the week with the crystal night was a worse week. Or maybe the week when nukes were dropped on japan.

edit: Worse than OP's proposed worst week. I don't actually remember what happened between august 28th and september 3rd 1939.

edit again: Oh, ww2 started.
Is this the worst week period?

I think that depends on who one is, where they are, when they were, and what and how the particular week in question affected them.
What was the worst week for some may have been a lottery win for others.
As Famine said. Not even remotely close to the worst week in either a subjective or an objective perspective.