Is Windows XP really worth it?

  • Thread starter ALPHA

Is Windows XP really worth it?

  • Yes

    Votes: 7 43.8%
  • No

    Votes: 5 31.3%
  • Hmmm it's just another ploy to get Microsoft to get you to waste money!

    Votes: 4 25.0%

  • Total voters
I dunno... call me a moron, but i think it is slightly worth it, because of the cool stuff it has... and i know if MistaX sees this, hes gonna put a second on the 3rd option cuz he thinks win 2k is better... well its not!! win 2k is cool, stable, etc etc, but it still doesnt run half the programs from win 98 and under like xp can.... anway...
I use it but wouldn't have paid over100 bucks for it.
I think it's great but not so much better than 2000 or 98se!

Can't use Easy CD Creator 4.0.
Well, at least it comes with some sort of copyng software... just couldn't tell ya what microsoft has done with this software to maybe prevent certain things from writing to disk... don't know why they would want to do that :D

Haven't really explored XP fully yet...

Overall :thumbsup:
Windows 2000 is just fine for me. Windows XP is just annoying, none of my CD burning pogs work on it and just eats your hard disk. I just installed Linux Mandrake on one of my spare machines though, its cool but I dont have a clue with the command line interface im tooo used to dos. I want to learn it though.
i dont like XP (i dont have it) because its to much for dumb people, well not dumb..jus people who dont know much about there computer (i'm no genuis either, but i know some things) I like the older version because it seems like you have more control over everything. I know exatcly whre to go when things go wrong..this new stuff...alot times when you install it, it makes alot of deciosions for you. Like (w/ a dail-up modem) wether or not to automatically hang-up the internet if its left alone for 15 min.

I dont know...i just like the old stuff.
Well, is it worth it..... Is it better than 95, 98, or ME? My far, it is more stable and 100x's the operating system that these other OS's are... So back to your question, as this OS was supplied to me from my work, it was worth every penny. I had upgraded from Window's 2K Pro... I actually believe that Win2K Pro is a better bang for the buck, but XP seems to be more widely support by third party manufacturers of software and hardware..

So did I answer your question?

I hope so....

xp, but do NOT get it if you want to upgrade your os, it will serious mess up your com and ull have lotsa hardware probs, only get xp if ure buying a new com and its preloaded. only prob is, u cant play pirated games
Originally posted by troy
i dont like XP (i dont have it) because its to much for dumb people, well not dumb..jus people who dont know much about there computer (i'm no genuis either, but i know some things) I like the older version because it seems like you have more control over everything. I know exatcly whre to go when things go wrong..this new stuff...alot times when you install it, it makes alot of deciosions for you. Like (w/ a dail-up modem) wether or not to automatically hang-up the internet if its left alone for 15 min.

I dont know...i just like the old stuff.

****in-a troy. XP may look clean and fresh but i am used to 98 and id have to say i like it better. the only reason i got XP was because it came with this pc.
and then theres the copyright problems...bill gates is a dead set homo, necro sodomite. hes already the richest man in the world, a few pirate copies of front page or office isnt gonna kill him.
They say its reliable and Blue Screen Errors are impossible, but I had Blue Screen Errors like 9 times, and it was only on my comp for 2 days, so much for Blue Screen Errors being rare in XP :rolleyes:
I'm getting Win 2000Pro in a couple of days (from a friend :D). I might get XP just to mess around with. That'll be about all unless I like it.
Stay away from XP, it has bugs. Additionally, hackers can get to XP anytime and ruin your computers, guys. Unless you have a firewall program, XP is the worst Windows ever so I repeat, stay away from it.
Originally posted by DeliveratorTitan
Stay away from XP, it has bugs. Additionally, hackers can get to XP anytime and ruin your computers, guys. Unless you have a firewall program, XP is the worst Windows ever so I repeat, stay away from it.

Its EXTREMELY hard to hack XP... (Not that I would happen to know first hand or anything ;))
Originally posted by MistaX

Its EXTREMELY hard to hack XP... (Not that I would happen to know first hand or anything ;))

Actually it depends on what version of XP you are using. The Home and Pro versions are very secure, but the Corporate Pro (The only English hacked version of XP that works) version has a wide open back door. (sockets)