Jeff Gordon NASCAR School

United Kingdom
I'm stuck on the very last event in the school.

It's the advanced level where you have two laps of Daytona to overtake as many cars as you can. The best i've managed so far is 3rd but I want to take the gold so I then have all golds in the school.

I know that the more you turn into the corners the more speed you lose!

Anyone got any advice on this one?
Stay in the slipstream, draft your way to first, then just block them the whole way, they'll keep pushing you faster so you never get passed. I did it first try. Try turning off ABS as well.
The same advice I give everyone... turn ALL the assists off!

They're locked before you start (in EU versions at least) but you can still change them while you're driving. You'll be astonished by how much faster the car is without them (and still easy to control).
I watched a youtube video of someone doing it, helped me a bundle. The main thing was really keeping to the slipstream of the guy in the right at the start, stay with him, you'll be with the main pack. Then it's just keep in slipstreams where you can, accept you cant keep the lead forever and just make sure you have the slipstream going into the back straight of the last lap
I have all the assists off except the ABS and I keep in the slipstream of one car that follows the pack but just lose them on the first turn and eventually catch up on the last lap when its too late to overtake them all.
I had trouble for days with the pit stop one and the last one, finally read to turn off ABS and I had no trouble. I wonder why ABS hinders these races since you never hit the brakes anyway...
I have all the assists off except the ABS and I keep in the slipstream of one car that follows the pack but just lose them on the first turn and eventually catch up on the last lap when its too late to overtake them all.

Yeah, had this issue - again, you just need to really keep with the guy on the right. It takes several attempts to keep with him really well since the corner is difficult to control with a NASCAR (i guess you're a pad user, too). Keep trying, it'll come good
Just turned the ABS and the ASM off and seen a vast improvement! I was in first place just after the first lap ended! Thanks guys
Another thing I noticed when I was dealing with a Beginner mission in Daytona. Between the car's 3rd and 4th gear, it has trouble picking up more speed as it switches back and forth while going through a turn, causing the car to slow down. I would get into the habit of using MT instead of AT so the transmission can behave.
This is ****ing ridiculous. I've been pounding on this yesterday the whole evening. Now turned ABS off, gold in the first try. Nearly wouldn't even have needed the second lap...
Anyway, thanks for the hint...
Are these virtually impossible for a DS3 user (specifically the D-pad and not the analog stick). I can't for the life of me actually consistently stay behind guys to get good drafting with the d-pad. I golded/silvered all the others except the last one, but it seems the toughest. I'm anticipating getting a wheel for christmas... wonder if I should just wait until then to try it.. I imagine it's a lot easier to control the car through the turns with it.
I wonder why ABS hinders these races since you never hit the brakes anyway...

The ABS itself doesn't hinder the race at all, but turning it off automatically turns off the ASM which is turned on and cannot be directly changed. The
ASM really slows the lap-times down so with it off the races are much easier (especially after having practiced lots with the ASM on).

It seems a bit strange that they grey-out the ASM settings (so they obviously don't want you to turn it off) yet they still allow you to turn ABS to 0 which automatically switches off ASM. Bizarre.

Are these virtually impossible for a DS3 user (specifically the D-pad and not the analog stick).

I only have a Dual-Shock and use the analog sticks. I couldn't imagine playing GT using the on/off sensitivity of a d-pad. It's much easier to learn to use the sticks if you can as you have much more control over fine adjustments. The car responds in a more satisfying, realistic manner too. :) I'd have through it would be possible with the D-pad but much more difficult due to the inability to make the many necessary fine adjustments to keep a draft going.
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I've been seriously confused about the asm stuff in the Nascar races/school, sometimes they won't let you turn it off, sometimes they will.

All it seems to do is just seriously cripple the car, if they felt the challenge was too easy why not just make the a.i. cars drive a bit faster?
Manual transmission. Manual the car revs two lines higher, giving you an advantage of about ten miles in top speed. You can then overtake all cars in the first lap.
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