JGTC Question


Z.Spec GT Tuning
United States
Sioux City, IA
I may have overlooked this in my search of this part of the forum - but is there any other regulations to abide by (within the GT5 community at least) when creating a JGTC-styled car other the horsepower regulations for the two classes (500hp and 300hp)? Such as particular tire usage or the amount of weight reduction that can be used?
Needs to be 3.4L V8 engine. Obviously 500HP (GT500). Can not use "extensions" as they're called in GT5. No ceramic brakes (if we ever got those?)

They also use ballast metering/penalties... to keep the times that much tighter.

Oh! They can also only use certain tire brands. That doesn't apply in GT5 really, but I suppose if you wanted to be "as realistic as possible" whatever tires come stock on a new JGTC car (I think racing hards) that would probably be the only tire you could/should use.

Also no aides at all. Even if the real car has them.
Needs to be 3.4L V8 engine.

Is this just for cars of the 2010 model year? Or any car entering from 2010 onward? Just read through wikipedia's article on Super GT and wasn't sure if I understood it right. I suppose for GT5 this doesn't really apply since we can't do engine swaps...

So for GT5 is RM modification allowed/accepted? I'm really no sure how picky people are - or even if there is much of privateer development on GT5 for these type of cars (seen a few tunes just not sure how many actually use them).
Is this just for cars of the 2010 model year? Or any car entering from 2010 onward? Just read through wikipedia's article on Super GT and wasn't sure if I understood it right. I suppose for GT5 this doesn't really apply since we can't do engine swaps...

So for GT5 is RM modification allowed/accepted? I'm really no sure how picky people are - or even if there is much of privateer development on GT5 for these type of cars (seen a few tunes just not sure how many actually use them).

I'm no expert honestly as I just popped onto the wikipedia as well. I'd assume its from 2010 onward though. The only reason I mentioned it was because if you're looking for a car to mod, it might be a clue as to which cars would be good bases.

You ask about racing mod s, which car did you have in mind? I think front lip spoilers (aero) would be allowed obviously since you'd need that, just no canards.