Joey's Art Comp: NOW CLOSED

  • Thread starter Joey D

Joey D

United States
Lakes of the North, MI
GTP Joey
I've been wanting some art of my car but I don't know very many artist, but judging by the awesome quality of stuff that comes from these forums I figure this would be the best place to ask. However, I do realise art takes time and effort so I figured I should offer something in return. Since I can't give away stuff to everyone, I made a competition out of it.

Here's the deal, you can do whatever form of art you would like whether it's hand drawings, Photoshop manipulation, toon/vectoring, clay models, whatever. You may also do whatever style you like whether that's manga, realistic, cell shaded, etc. The only stipulation is that my MINI must be the central theme of the work and I must be able to tell that it is my car.

I will post a few pictures here in a minute, but I will be happy to take additional photographs if you require a certain angle.


Now on to prizes...

For whatever entry I think is the best I will offer a year's worth of Premium, if you already have Premium I can add to your subscription or you may defer it to another member.

Then the remaining entries will be placed into a poll and the members of GTP will decide which one they like the best, the top three from the poll will either get one months worth of Premium or them my defer it to another member.

So essentially 1 Grand Prize winner and 3 runner-up prizes. This way it gives more people a chance to win something, and everyone likes to win...right?


The competition will run for one month, ending 26/05/09, since I know good art takes time. This worked well with Fangio previously so I'm hoping for good things this time.

I also don't care how many entries you submit, as long as they are of your best work and not joke entries. All joke entries will be DQ'ed because lets face it, there are numerous artist on these boards that do excellent work and we should showcase that, not mock it.


Here are direct links to photos of my car, like I said ask and I'll do my best to get your the photos you need.

There are more photographs in my car's dedicated thread, which the link can be found in my signature.
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You have quite a hard on for your mini, don't you? I have a thing with Mini's as well, but in a different colour.
I think I might try this. I doubt that many people will enter so I might actually have a chance at winning a month or something:). Ill get cracking:tup:.
Meh, I enjoy my car and I enjoy the art work people do here, why not combine them? Plus I'm offering something back to the community in exchange for their services.
Do you have an email? I can't seem to send a PM to your account.
You should be able to click this and send a PM or this for a visitor message to Joey. If those don't work, start a new thread here and someone will figure out the issue.

I've been thinking about doing something, but so far I haven't come up with anything good yet...
can we modify the mini? Not deface it or anything, just add bigger wheels, maybe a tint here and there

The only stipulation is that my MINI must be the central theme of the work and I must be able to tell that it is my car.
Sounds like a yes to me. 👍
Yes please just post a message on my wall or whatever it's called here and I'll answer it.

And feel free to do whatever you like to the car as long as I can tell it's my car. Adding rims, tint and other extras is welcomed. Please be creative.
Ok, I lost photoshop, all my pictures and all my data when I upgraded my PC. So this was the beginning and is now the end of my chop. If I dont win I wont be surprised.


I did pretty much nothing to it, but hey thats life.
Hey that's not bad, only have two entries so far. But never the less the comp ends in two days.


My go at it:


That's about as close to British Racing Green as I could approximate, based off of this.
stiff competition guys! 👍

Joey, I'm really sorry that more people haven't entered this. I would have thought everyone would have loved to have a go if premium was at stake.:indiff:
I completely forgot about this, I don't know if I have time to whip something up. I'll try and hammer on at it tonight. :)
Nice one SweetshopUnion.


Click For Larger Size

I had a go, it isn't brilliant as I haven't had a go at doing one of these for ages. I did spent a good couple of hours on it though. Anyway, atleast I can say I tried!
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Thanks Speedster. I only found out about the competition yesterday and as there were so little entries I though I may aswell give it a go. I rate your whitewalls, they look sick. Joey should go buy some! :lol:
Thanks Speedster. I only found out about the competition yesterday and as there were so little entries I though I may aswell give it a go. I rate your whitewalls, they look sick. Joey should go buy some! :lol:

No probelm, I remember hearing about it when it first came round but then forgot until it was bumped up recently. So I've been working on my entry since late this afternoon. I'm still loving the way yours is inspired by the 'Ring 24 👍
Ugh, I think there is four entries including mine and that means one more and Im out :(. To think I could have done so much more had my computer not needed upgrading...
if i didn't have a website to do, i think i would have had a go at vexeling your mini :) i just envisioned a heart-stopping Beyond HD graphic vexel of your mini. Lord, My brain came :drools:
that's worrying:nervous:

I just saw the word artistic and went with it.

Nah, its fine I should think. He did say originally you could do whatever you wanted as long as he could tell it was his car in the final piece. 👍

I like what you've done, looks very art like, you could probably hang something like that on your wall. If you were into that kind of thing.