Viper Zero
I disagree with our policy toward Saudi Arabia. One of the extreme few things I disagree with Bush
* writes a bold
X on the on the calendar *
I agree. Though the issue is more within the policies towards them than the actual meetings with their leaders.
What was, in your opinion, the goal of the Kerry/al-Assad meeting? (bonus point granted if done without using one of Moore's methods, but given the beginning of this thread, I think it's already done)
And, speaking of Carter...
Given the efforts he put into finding a solution to the israeli/palestinian conflict during his presidency, what's so surprising to see him at their leader's funeral?? (do I also have to repost the lists of officials who attended these funerals?)
On the same subject, what's so surprising, (or bad) for him to be in Palestine at this moment, acting as an observator for the ongoing elections? Oh well, beg me pardon, I forgot that those people are, after all,
terrorists and the only course of action to follow, is obviously to kill em all.
They may not be perfect yet, but my diplomacy skills are definitely improving over time!