Joining optical cables

  • Thread starter Darrenlad


I have got 3x optical cable and a 3 way splitter trying to connect my surround sound to the tvs optical port and ps3 but i also have Astros what as a input and output anyway can get this to work all together without switching cables when a want to use something thing else
I have got 3x optical cable and a 3 way splitter trying to connect my surround sound to the tvs optical port and ps3 but i also have Astros what as a input and output anyway can get this to work all together without switching cables when a want to use something thing else

This might help

Can we try that again? In English this time.

I think, maybe, he was asking about using a 1 to 3 cable to connect multiple devices. But the odd bit would be what is an Astro and why is it input and output.
Right 3 cables right ...? 3 optical ports right ...? 3 way sitter right..? Astros have a in and out optical right ...? How a a set it all up ..... ?
This might help

I think, maybe, he was asking about using a 1 to 3 cable to connect multiple devices. But the odd bit would be what is an Astro and why is it input and output.

Astro a40 headset should of said what it it's just thought everyone knew what it was
How a a set it all up ..... ?
Automobile Association? Alcoholics Anonymous? "How a a set it all up" doesn't make sense.

Astro a40 headset should of said what it it's just thought everyone knew what it was
Should have said. What does "what it it's" mean? Have you heard of full stops aka periods? You need to try using them as your posts currently don't make much sense. You also need to proof read your posts and correct your errors before clicking on submit.
Automobile Association? Alcoholics Anonymous? "How a a set it all up" doesn't make sense.

Should have said. What does "what it it's" mean? Have you heard of full stops aka periods? You need to try using them as your posts currently don't make much sense. You also need to proof read your posts and correct your errors before clicking on submit.

Do" one ****ing word missing **** sake get a grip ae
I smell a ban-hammer. Seriously, just apologise and let that be an end to it.

Crying about one missing word and putting . . . A few times did no one tell him he can breath when he wants ?
So what does this have to do with baseball? You're trying to watch Astros games or something?

They're changing leagues next year in case you didn't know.
So what does this have to do with baseball? You're trying to watch Astros games or something?

They're changing leagues next year in case you didn't know.

You've got the wrong astros lol Astros are MLB sponsored gaming head sets best money can buy
What they're trying to tell you as that you're posts are communicating no useful information, because the grammar is scrambled, punctuation and words are missing or extra, and nobody knows what you're asking.

We know you have 3 optical cables, a TV, a receiver, and an Astro (whatever that is, apparently a headset.) Your posts equate to "I have a finklethark and a couple wires. Now what?"

And if you continue to post in the manner you're posting, you will get warned, you will get infractions, and you will get banned. The rules for posting with proper English are there EXACTLY for your situation. You've thrown a bunch of random words together that represent no actual thoughts or concepts, making everyone guess at what you mean. Your other posts in other threads come across just as poorly.

Nobody cares to try to make such a guess.

When someone posts and their avatar has a blue box under it, listen to what they say and do not argue. Word to the wise. If wisdom exists here.
You've got the wrong astros lol Astros are MLB sponsored gaming head sets best money can buy

I assume you mean MLG as Major League Baseball has little to do with headphones.

And they aren't the best money can by. Almost anything branded with MLG is just there for profits - it is kind of what Sundance is about.

Your posts are impossible to make sense of, and you aren't getting any points with the staff either. I assume English maybe your native language as well, so no real excuse.

And I don't think you can get multiple inputs to work going from the TV and PS to the Astro anyhow.

EDIT: Also, this.
I have got 3x optical cable and a 3 way splitter trying to connect my surround sound to the tvs optical port and ps3 but i also have Astros what as a input and output anyway can get this to work all together without switching cables when a want to use something thing else

Ok, so... The Astro you are talking about is a Mixamp Pro or Mixamp 5.8 right?

So why not go PS3 (optical out) -----optical cable---> Mixamp (input) : Mixamp (output passthrough) -----optical cable---> Surround/TV (input)?

Is your Surround and TV two separate devices? If so, does either one have a optical output? If so, you would want that device before the last device in the chain.

Remember, the more information you provide, the easier it is for people to try and help you.

Good luck,