What they're trying to tell you as that you're posts are communicating no useful information, because the grammar is scrambled, punctuation and words are missing or extra, and nobody knows what you're asking.
We know you have 3 optical cables, a TV, a receiver, and an Astro (whatever that is, apparently a headset.) Your posts equate to "I have a finklethark and a couple wires. Now what?"
And if you continue to post in the manner you're posting, you will get warned, you will get infractions, and you will get banned. The rules for posting with proper English are there EXACTLY for your situation. You've thrown a bunch of random words together that represent no actual thoughts or concepts, making everyone guess at what you mean. Your other posts in other threads come across just as poorly.
Nobody cares to try to make such a guess.
When someone posts and their avatar has a blue box under it, listen to what they say and do not argue. Word to the wise. If wisdom exists here.