Jordan Can you help me again?


?¿That's Odd?¿
Staff Emeritus
United States
Tx, Alamo City
is there ne way i can create my own (or if you can do it or someone else) Where it says Active Member on my whatever you call it thing. Can that be canged to PooDog Member. I would Appreciate that. I think i read somewhere that at a certin amount of post ill be able to do this my own but i know im a far way from that. Just wondering if ne one else can help me with this. I would like it to say PooDog or PooDog Member thanks if you can help:eek:
Yes, that's your member title. I would change it for you, but if I did, it would only be fair for me to change it for everyone else, too.

But, you will be able to change it to anything you want when you post 1000 messages. :)
Originally posted by Jordan
It won't take as long as you think. ;)

<---Look at me. It will take forever for me to reach 1000 posts. I was hoping it wasn't like that. I hate mine saying "New Member". I know I new but I want something else. *sniff, sniff*
Originally posted by viper_maniac

<---Look at me. It will take forever for me to reach 1000 posts. I was hoping it wasn't like that. I hate mine saying "New Member". I know I new but I want something else. *sniff, sniff*
Welcome to GTPlanet! :D
hey yall, dont get all down in the mud. look at the date i signed up. i already have 1000 posts. it flew by so fast! this place is so fun that you totally forget about posts! youll get there sooner than you think.:D