1) I've searched for "political avatar or content"
2) I've questioned myself to send a PM or make a thread. It became a thread to see the opinions of others.
3) I have read the AUP fully
To jordan with all respect,
I found it a surprise that you made a change from the olympic avatars towards a poltically orientated one (to use a understatement).
I respect this forum very much, one good reason for it is, that the avatars of members are ;non-sexual, not explicit in any direction.
To be honest, Jordan, your's is one of the few that are politically orientated.. Sure, you're the boss and they tend to make the rules..
The force of the GT community is that we share one passion, cars in games. We do not speak of were we come from, who we are, men or woman, old or young, rich or poor. This is a good thing , we respect eachother for our posted content!
The use of a political avatar (or signature) is dividing us (my opinion) and maybe it is because I am european that I made this thread?
What's your opinion and did similar thoughts crossed your mind?
Again, with respect for your efforts on the site,
2) I've questioned myself to send a PM or make a thread. It became a thread to see the opinions of others.
3) I have read the AUP fully
To jordan with all respect,
I found it a surprise that you made a change from the olympic avatars towards a poltically orientated one (to use a understatement).
I respect this forum very much, one good reason for it is, that the avatars of members are ;non-sexual, not explicit in any direction.
To be honest, Jordan, your's is one of the few that are politically orientated.. Sure, you're the boss and they tend to make the rules..
The force of the GT community is that we share one passion, cars in games. We do not speak of were we come from, who we are, men or woman, old or young, rich or poor. This is a good thing , we respect eachother for our posted content!
The use of a political avatar (or signature) is dividing us (my opinion) and maybe it is because I am european that I made this thread?
What's your opinion and did similar thoughts crossed your mind?
Again, with respect for your efforts on the site,