Jump creation requirements??

  • Thread starter berlyn0963
whats the best way to create these jump tracks?? i been on it for about 3 days and no luck so far. I would love to create jumps in toscana and eiffel and the only decent ones I came up with was Aso which im tired of.
does the elevation matter? if so then I have not been able to get over 180 in toscana and eiffel.
anyone got any idea? thanks
What you'll want to be looking for is elevation lines that get closer and closer together. That means the hill is getting steeper and steeper. Just keep hitting next course because it seems the elevation characteristics are random. When these preferred elevation lines fall on a long straightaway you've got yourself a jump most likely. I'd post a detailed screenshot if I was home, hope that explanation helps.
See in the bottom right corner there, the elevation lines start to get closer and closer together with the road running across those lines. That's a jump.

Nice one Baldvogues. It hadn't occured that those were a sign of elevation. Obvious though isn't it? :/ Ha.
I just tried some, unfortunately just a rolling hill in toscana. and really really long rolling hills in eiffel, just cant seem to get that short bump to get the car to take air.
thanks for the advice tho
I just tried some, unfortunately just a rolling hill in toscana. and really really long rolling hills in eiffel, just cant seem to get that short bump to get the car to take air.
thanks for the advice tho

Don't just look at the lines... You need to pay attention to how dark (or light) the area is. If your road goes over a small (i.e "thin") area that is dark black, and tapers away quickly to light gray, you will likely have a jump. If it's light gray, and tapers to black, you have a dip.

