Originally posted by vrmx
And Acidman, if you have some music in mind just tell me. I can cut video to fit it then...
Originally posted by Acidman
unpack it first? you mean like unpack a zip file? the file extensionon the file when i downloaded it was .rar
Originally posted by KieranMurphy
To hell with that. It'd take me 4hrs to download that on my crappy oul 56.6k connection, if it stayed open for 4hrs that is.
It sounds like a cool video though...
Originally posted by vrmx
You could download it in parts using Getright or DAP...
Originally posted by KieranMurphy
Explain please. I've never heard of Getright or DAP. Do these allow you to download huge files little bits at a time?
Sounds cool.
Originally posted by Acidman
Ok i have gotten that program, installed it, unzipped the video file, and it pkays in windows media player but it said it had a error in dowloading the codec to play it properly, i get sound but no picture, where can i get the correct codec from?