Juniors' Fashion: Too Sexy?

  • Thread starter JohnBM01


21 years!
United States
Houston, Texas, USA
Hello, GTPlanet. Nice to be with you all again.

As you may know, I have a little interest in fashion, especially female fashion. I once considred being a fashion model, but as far as I go, I still have school to finish. Now, this may sound like a poll question, but this time, this is just a discussion. The topic to discuss in this case is:

"Is juniors (teen girls) fashion becoming too sexy?"

I'll start.

I've seen only one girl on GTPlanet, but for the many others out there who may be looking around on a search engine looking for topics on girls' fashion, let me tell you. I am fascinated by how they dress. There are young ladies who dress stylishly, those into T-shirt and jeans looks, and then those who dress flirty and often times have shirts with somewhat sexy messages. In my "Uniforms" topic, I discussed how a person's style of fashion can help tell the world how that person is. So if a person likes to wear muscle shirts and has nice arm and chest muscles, obviously he is pretty strong and proud to show off his muscles. If a lady walks around wearing a skirt almost every day, then she is comfortable wearing them and she enjoys her image.

Often times on television, I heard of females as young as 7 and as old as maybe 17 or 18 on daytime talk shows (been a while since I seen those). Some people like to think that Jenny Jones, Maury Povich, and even 18-year olds on Jerry Springer desecrate feminine modesty and go to unfathomable lows. Call me crazy, but, a person that dresses provacatively doesn't always mean that lady is sexy. Just because a girl likes shorts and sandals doesn't mean she likes going to the beach. Just because a young lady likes athletic gear (they are becoming more fashionable nowadays) and athletic sneakers doesn't mean she spends at least 5 hours a week at the gym. And to this topic, a girl who dresses in high heels and flirty dresses isn't always an attractive person. Released last year or two years ago, there was a "Ripley's Believe it or Not!" about these pants in Europe that (and I'm telling the truth) expose clevage of the buttocks. When I seen the show and read some reviews online, some people said that these such pants "took fashion to a new low." Okay, it has nothing to do with a Cooper in automobiles, but the British designer is named Lee Cooper.

I personally believe that in America, at least, fashion is usually inspired by music stars, actors, maybe even fashion from around the world (like a red Mandarin blouse with Sakura on it, for example). But I don't think fashion is getting TOO sexy. I mean, I don't see any seriously revealing clothing. When those "mini-skorts" came out, I found it hard to believe they were not mini skirts. What these min-skorts were basically mini-skirts for those who have feminine modesty and don't want to dress provacatively. So once worn, they are basically "covered up," as we would say, by a pair of underlying shorts. And then the trend kind of went into skirted bikini bottoms, but that is a different story. At Baybrook Mall and in some other malls here in Houston, there is a store called "Bui Yah Kah" (which surprisingly, has no website). But the clothing offered are mostly club-style fashion young girls dream of wearing, almost as if they wanted to be at a Saturday night dance party or in their own music video on TRL. Remember my "uniforms" topic? Sometimes, a lady dresses up as a "naughty (or maybe innocent) school girl." It's more of a fashion statement even though a lady looks like she's going to school. And as far as T-shirts go, some can be funky, sassy, cool, and even mean sometimes. For example, one such shirt says "I'm good... just ask your boyfriend."

To end this topic and allow you a chance to reply, often times, mothers are concerned with what they wear in public. I am an art person, and I think that most young ladies often don't ACT as sexy as they dress. Also, the same holds true for fashion in Japan. The short skirts and tall platform boots and shoes (especially during colder times) can be fashionable, or even dangerous. Dangerous to the point of falling over and hurting your ankles pretty bad. I think some stores in Japan are having some stacky shoes get trimmed down so that the threat is minimalized. Or no matter where you go, fashion will be fashion. But here in America, the camisoles and pocketless jeans may look sexy, but I don't think it's sexy enough to stir any controversy (expect a counterstatement, John...). So what do you think?

And by the way, I have no problem with a lady baring her middriff (belly and back) while exposing her belly ring (you have to be legal age to get one) or back tattoo.
Haha, I was just about to post something on the same topic! You beat me by.... 39 minutes you sly devil.

I work at a drug store (Walgreens, if you know what it is) and I notice this all the time. Just last weekend, a small group of girls came in, wearing high heels and very, very short skirts. They couldn't of been older than sixteen. I was partially disgusted that their parents let them out, looking like this. I'm not saying every girl should be completely covered, or only show "x" amount of skin. However there are so many things that we think of just by visual cues. The only thoughts that came to my mind while looking at the girls were sexual. Some were how I'd describe them, and some... actions. None the less, this is what they're showing people in the world. As long as they know what they're showing others, and how others will react, then its fine. They can dress however they want.

I'd type more, but none if it would come out right. I'm pretty tired.
Originally posted by John
And by the way, I have no problem with a lady baring her middriff (belly and back) while exposing her belly ring (you have to be legal age to get one) or back tattoo.

I have no problem with this either, as long as the woman wearing them has a good figure.
I don't understand why FAT chic's seem to think that these closthes are flattering. Who the hell are they kidding?
I think most men will agree with me here and that seeing some womans "back fat" is utterly horrid. Why do FAT women insist on wearing revealing clothing? I find that I see more FAT chic's wearing this type of clothing than I see fit women wearing them. :confused: I find this behaviour more disturbing than fit women/girls wearing something revealing.

But like Mike said, women/girls wearing sexy clothing makes me think of only one thing, and that thing is bending them over and..... , you catch my drift.
Now if this is the type of image a woman/girl wants to portray herself as, a sexual object of desire, then by all means, they should go right ahead, I'm sure the world could use a few more prostitutes. But by no means should they expect me to think anything else of them.
So yes, some girls, especially younger ones do dress to sexy in this day and age and I don't understand how parents would let their daughters out of the house dressed like that. I sure as hell would do my best to prevent my daughter from dressing that way. I know what goes through my mind when I see a girl dressed sexily and I sure don't want other guy's out there thinking these thoughts about my girl.

If women really want equality and respect in this world, they should then hold themselfs to a different standard and not a standard that makes them look like a slut in others eyes.

I also think that dressing in such a revealing way may invite trouble. Trouble, in the worst case, like rape. Now this can be debated, but one would certainly have to agree that wearing revealing clothing does not lower your chances of being raped. Yes?

Girls these days should be concentrating on bettering themselfs and earning respect from their community and peers, and not trying to earn the best/skimpiest/sexiest wardrobe. Concentrating on their fashion and how others wiew them will not get them ahead in life.

Ludacris said it well. "I want a lady on the streets, but a freak in the bed."
Originally posted by boombexus
I have no problem with this either, as long as the woman wearing them has a good figure.
I don't understand why FAT chic's seem to think that these closthes are flattering. Who the hell are they kidding?
I think most men will agree with me here and that seeing some womans "back fat" is utterly horrid. Why do FAT women insist on wearing revealing clothing? I find that I see more FAT chic's wearing this type of clothing than I see fit women wearing them. :confused: I find this behaviour more disturbing than fit women/girls wearing something revealing.

Boom for President in 2004. It made sense to me, but it's also.... 2:45am here, so in other words: I agree.

I also think that dressing in such a revealing way may invite trouble. Trouble, in the worst case, like rape. Now this can be debated, but one would certainly have to agree that wearing revealing clothing does not lower your chances of being raped. Yes?

Again, I would agree, but sometimes you hear, "Wearing those clothes she was ASKING to get raped.". No one asks to get raped... Unless thats their fetish... ANYWAY. Under normal circumstances, yes, it probably raises the chance of rape, but its not like saying, "Rape me.".
I see nothing wrong with revealing clothing, as long as it's all in good taste. I'll agree with boombexus on this one.

I'm just glad that men don't go around baring parts of their testicles the way women bare parts of their cleavage.
I believe that there should be a limit. I know plenty of cute teen-age girls. (Helps having a houseful of teenage sons.:D ).
Plenty of them are plenty hot going around plenty covered.
I'm not above asking what possesed them to leave the house in some slutty outfit, most of "my kids" know I'll ask, and dress "appropriately" when they come to hang out here.
A lot of them know when they look like whores. They also have a change of clothes in the car, so they can change and get back into their own houses in the event that their own daddy is awake.
I don't get the whole rage of dressing with all the "good stuff" hanging out.
Girls complain that all the boys want them for is a quick lay. Well, quit dressing like a 'ho, and hanging out with the 'ho's and perhaps the nice boys will notice you.

(here ends my fatherly rant)
Originally posted by Klostrophobic
I see nothing wrong with revealing clothing, as long as it's all in good taste. I'll agree with boombexus on this one.

I'm just glad that men don't go around baring parts of their testicles the way women bare parts of their cleavage.

:lol: Ditto that.
Originally posted by Gil
Plenty of them are plenty hot going around plenty covered.

I wholeheartedly agree. As a 15 year old guy, I can honestly say that some girls look better if they don't dress like sluts. I'm not saying they look bad (when dressed like sluts), but I think looking classy is way better than letting the world know what pattern you have the back of your thong.
Originally posted by Gil
I believe that there should be a limit. I know plenty of cute teen-age girls. (Helps having a houseful of teenage sons.:D ).
Plenty of them are plenty hot going around plenty covered.
I'm not above asking what possesed them to leave the house in some slutty outfit, most of "my kids" know I'll ask, and dress "appropriately" when they come to hang out here.
A lot of them know when they look like whores. They also have a change of clothes in the car, so they can change and get back into their own houses in the event that their own daddy is awake.
I don't get the whole rage of dressing with all the "good stuff" hanging out.
Girls complain that all the boys want them for is a quick lay. Well, quit dressing like a 'ho, and hanging out with the 'ho's and perhaps the nice boys will notice you.

(here ends my fatherly rant)

so we all agree on what Klos said...but how about when you go to the mall and see girls still in elementary school going around and trying to, as Gil put it, let the "good stuff" (or in this case, lack thereof) hang out. Is there a point when it's just too young or do you folks think whatever?

More importantly, don't the parents of those kids say anything? Do they realize that their kids are being skanky hos right in front of them? Do they know the worlds of trouble their kids can get into if they meet one of the many sick freaks out in the world today?

Here's a suggestion for those of you that have Disney channel...flip it to there around 7pm eastern time - it's nothing but shows directed at pre-teen girls and most of it promotes slutty behaviour. Off the top of my head, the most annoying of them are Sabrina the teenage b!tch and Clueless. Scary thing is, my sister watches that horse crap.

Klos was right - there's nothing wrong with it when it's in good taste but...when the girls haven't even hit puberty and they're going around dressing and acting like hos, it's nauseating.
Originally posted by emad

Klos was right - there's nothing wrong with it when it's in good taste but...when the girls haven't even hit puberty and they're going around dressing and acting like hos, it's nauseating.

it IS nauseating. at the local cinemas, where i work, i see these girls in clothes that are way too revealing. they dont seem to understand the point behind the clothes they wear. they just think its cool and hip, when in fact, the point of those clothes are to get attention. i saw a total shocker on saturday. a 4 yr old in knee-high booots and revealing skirt and top. it is awful. i felt like yelling at the mother of this child, who was standing right next to her.

for once....i DO blame tv, usually i stand up for it:rolleyes: kids shows now days feature skimpy dress women on it, has anyone seen Hi-5? plus sabrina and some of those other shows you find on cable tv......plus MTV
I didn't exactly find helpful when I had a girlfriend (I'm 16) and these girls used to walk past wearing about 5cm2 of clothing. Its obvious that the only thing its going to make me think about is sex.
I'm safe now I'm single but I still find a girl more attractive if she doesn't need to try and show off her assets.
I don't see how parents can let their 12 year old daughters out wearing so little. I don't see why, I mean they don't WANT their daughters losing their virginity at that age, do they?!?:odd:
Hmmm... I prefer girls to dress nicely. My girlfriend is a VERY classy dresser, and the most revealing thing she'll wear out in public is a miniskirt no shorter than half the length of her thighs. Now to me, this is perfect, because i dont want other dudes getting googly eyed at my lady. At my school, the grade 9 and 10 females are total mediawhores. Now, honestly, i really dont mind seeing a thong hang out here or some cleavage showing there, i actually really like it being the horndog that i am. But when it comes to excessive, i have only rarely seen this. No girl actually dresses like a prostitute in my school. I think its safe to say that for alot of schools. But there will be some. And i say, as long as the shoe fits, wear it. Meaning i like it when the LG's show off their nice bodies on a hot day with a short skirt and a halter top, but when the ugly's get into this habit then it has gone too far. Although me and my associations enjoy laughing at this crude display of female anatomy. Theres a time and a place for skimpy clothing, school isnt one of them. You cant stop a girl from wearing a G-string, but you can definetly tell her not to come to school in a bikini-top and booty shorts. At parties, Bonfires, Raves, and Dances, skimpy clothing on the suitably bodied females is GREATLY appreciated. If they got it, they should flaunt it, but to an extent. If they dont got it, then put it away.
My opinion is, if you want to expose [whatever] then go ahead, it is your body and your choice. This goes equally for hot chicks/fat chicks/slutty chicks. When I see the ultra-short skirts and skipmy tops, I think, damn you must have pretty low self-respect to need to dress like that in order to feel good about yourself. But, whatever floats your boat. There are naturally pretty girls who dont need revealing clothes for me to walk by and go *wow*, and then they are those average ones that try to look like Brittany Whatever but piling on makeup and baring everything. Thats their choice, its not impressing me.

But the question is, when do we say that, OK, you have enough responsibility to make that choice for yourself? 16? 18? I dont know.
I wasn't around in the early 20th Century, but I can probably imagine what the Victorian era of fashion was before the Roaring 20s (is that the right term?). Jazz. Foxtrot. Shorter dresses and skirts. Then the 1960s. Poodle skirts and saddle shoes. A decade later (and I'm not kidding about this next one), and there are women's career suits with hot pants, or those really short shorts usually worn on the beach or as lingerie. And let's not forget afros and bellbottoms. The (early) 1990s, a time of bland colors and outfits, Keds sneakers, stirrup pants, pumps with pearls in the middle at the heel.

And now we come to 2004. The age of many facets of fashion, from vintage fashion, retro wear, hippie-inspired looks, jeans without back pockets, cheerleader-like pleated skirts, jelly sneakers (one of my least favorites of the most recent fashion trends), cute flip flop sandals, cargo capris, and such... Nowadays, the mini skirt is being a racy fashion item. When I looked online a few years ago, I seen this site that sold a skirt online. But this skirt didn't have any hiding shorts, attached bottom, but it was a short skirt that had a zipper on the side. So basically, if you headed to the beach with this skirt on, all you had to do to show off your bikini bottom was to unzip the zipper on your left side. And don't you DARE wear it to school.

I have no problem with fashion, but I'm just hoping that some girl doesn't get any unwanted attention which leads to rape,or even death for what she wears. In one respect, wearing clothes is actually something to be proud of. Look at the people who don't have warm clothes to be in. But when fashion here in America is usually sexy and inspired by music stars and actors, it kind of becomes a decline of American society to some people. Same goes for Japan. Heck, how many people wear mini skirts, thigh-length coats, and monstrous-looking platform boots? Japan surely has them in colder times. Some can look cute in Japan. Their fashion situation is a bit different. Some believe they wear platforms (at the expense of injuring ankles or even death) because they don't seem to be satisfied with their height. But their fashion is inspired by JPOP and maybe even Anime.

Didn't mean to go overboard, but it's a different situation no matter where you go.
I want to be a first here.

I want all women to dress in as little clothing as possible. Particularly the fat ones. 👍

Ha ha, I'm so funny, I actually agree with Gil, particularly his last statement, as any sensible human would.
When it comes to Juniors' fashion, thongs and those pleated mini-skirts are hot fashion pick-ups nowadays. Is it a sign that fashion is getting to be too sexy? That's for you to decide. I think that a lot of girls love to mix and match clothes to find something they like. I'm not sure if that translates into schoolwear or not, but surely out and about. I don't have a problem with middriff (some spell as middrift). I mean, I think girls can dress however they want as long as they aren't perceived as hookers. You want hookers, walk around in shady parts of town in the late night. And wait for them to say something sexy like "where's the bathroom, honey?" Okay, I wanted to censor what I wanted to say, so if you feel like doing :odd:, then now you know.

Juniors' Fashion. Too sexy or no problem?
I agree with a lot of what all of you are saying. I think the fashion now-a-days is too sexy. And it hurts the eyes when a fat girl is dressing like a fine one. I go to a Catholic school so, duh, we have a dress code. I'm a senior this year just to give some perspective. It's really gross to see an 6th-8th grader dressing like she's working at a strip club. The fat chick thing; I totally agree. But I was thinking about WHY they do that. Denial? The fact that they may think they have nothing to lose? I mean it makes sense. They don't care that they're probably robbing someone of their eyesight.

About the high school girls dressing like ho's. I have a lot of friends that are girls and they've all told me this at one time or another. "I'm sick of people looking at me as a prize (whore, slut, etc.)" In my oppinion, they don't dress all that flashy. I mean girls with big bust sizes don't even have to show cleavage. Just wear anything and they'll get stares. Mind that they won't get the stares as quick. Personally I like modestly dressed women. But, then again, I'm a guy so of course a girl with short-shorts and a tube is gonna catch my attention.

my 2cents if it makes any sense.
If everybody is so eager to wear such skimpy clothing that reveals just about everything, then why not just walk around stark naked? You'd get almost the same attention.(Note this does not apply to little kids and fat people.)

I, personally find a fully clothed woman with a great body more appealing than a ho with almost nothing on.
Really man. Like it takes more than 5000+ posts to notice internet sarcasm when you claim to know it "at the drop of a hat" in real life.:rolleyes: