just a few questions.......

  • Thread starter Powripper
ive looked every where and i havent been able to figure these out, first of all what is the point of the car wash??? does it actually help with anything? (cars dont actually get dirty, do they?). also can you change mph to kph?? (im from canada) and if u can, how?
1) cars get dirty and lose their shininess
2) there is no way to make the game do it, but 1km = 0.62 miles (multiply km by 0.62 to get miles).
j2s hit the nail on ther head; except I've never seen a shine difference with or without the car wash. The cars are too shiny to begin with, anyhow.

The game manual says you can change the display from km/h - mph; but like drag racing and that Filter song, neither made it into the actual game.

1 kilometer = 0.62137 miles
1 mile = 1.60935 kilometers

...if you need more exact figures...the PSX module and game aren't really that precise (it's possible to lose a race by 0.002 seconds and yet win the race).

Welcome to the show, powripper!
Thanks pupik! :D

thats the only thing i dont like about the game...they took out alot of cool stuff (i would have loved 1\4 mile drag racing!!!) also i think the game would be alot cooler if you could paint the cars, because some of thoses racing mod colors are so ugly!!(like the drag cars!) also they need some more beemers!!! :P the M5 rules!!!!
the car wash is one of the best futures of the game. it does help, just run your escubo on rally courses like 60 times them wash it, you'll see the diference, and i don't think you can change the speed readings to kmh.
I think you can change the speed readings...I think my friend did it and if not it was probrably another game and I forgot, it was a while ago. The car wash does make a difference just notice a car before you take it for about 20 laps and then wash it and you will notice the difference.
Hey guys,
I'm pretty sure that you can change the mph to kph, because I am a moderator of another challenge group, and I have a member from Australia that turns in his speed as kph. I'm not sure if the Canada version and the Australian version is the same though. I just know that he has always turned in his speed as kph, instead of mph.
And I have just learned something by reading this thread. I need to go wash some cars now!! LOL
As far as I know, there is no way to convert the speeds via the PSX. The NTSC versions (sold in Canada and the US) use mph. The PAL and Japanese versions (sold virtually everywhere else) use km/h.

Of course, there were a lot of world-wide GT-diehards that bought the Japanese version so they could be the first on their block to have GT2. Any version will work on your PSX, no matter where you're from.
Originally posted by powripper
ive looked every where and i havent been able to figure these out, first of all what is the point of the car wash??? does it actually help with anything? (cars dont actually get dirty, do they?). also can you change mph to kph?? (im from canada) and if u can, how?

The car wash makes your car faster.
actually with my game there is no way to change it in the options menu, so obviously you have a different version... duh. ( if it was that easy i would have figured it out!! )
I've never washed my cars at all, as i see it doesn't make any difference. But i'll wash my WRX and do some racing to see if there is actually any differences