just got a wheel for £1.33 ha!

  • Thread starter neil1280
Hi i have a chance to pick up a wheel for peanuts at a car boot sale.

its a driving force ex, hes looking £20 for it.

I have been wanting a g27 for a while but would this wheel just be a major disappointment?

EDIT: just won this wheel after missing out on the car boot sale one.

i know its a crap wheel but itl be my first wheel to get me started while i save for a g27

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If you have that money to spare, like you're just gonna spend it on something pointless anyway, why not? If you are looking to save money for your G27 and you think that it might be a while before you get it, just get the DF at the meantime. Helps you to slowly not think about the G27 too often.
got the wheel today, what a bargain!! took me a few hours to get used to it but its brilliant, im trying the licence tests to compare my times against the ds3, im not far off but with some practise il be beating them soon
Well done!! Any wheel is better than a pad and a FFB wheel for that price is going to be worth it.

Enjoy and good luck saving for the G27.