Just got an Obutto Ozone, need ideas

  • Thread starter Linx
United States
United States
I just found a pretty good deal on a excellent condition used Obutto. I got tired of my center post on my Playseat Revolution and decided to go with something different. Unfortunately the seller didn't have the shifter mount to go with it. Looking at pictures of the mount, it looks like it would make my Fanatec CSS sit higher than my liking. So I'm trying to think of a way to fab a mount. Has anyone here done that or have any good ideas on doing this? I currently have the PRO gearshift mount for my Playseat and once I get a chance I want to see if I can fit the top mounting plate to the Obutto. It looks like it might fit but I just won't be able to install the parts underneath for reinforcement. Making me wonder how stable it would be because that Pro gearshift mount in its full form is absolutely solid. So please let me know your ideas. Thanks
That was the whole point of this thread. I can make one but I'm asking for ideas.
Well without pictures to go off (I have no idea what the cockpit looks like) I would likely cut a section of flat 2mm plate the correct size for the shifter, drill holes in it for mounting the shifter, weld/bolt that to some rhs/pipe/angle and then weld/bolt that to the frame.
here is my obutto with the shifter arm just to give you reference. This was with my G27. Many options to make sure it fit my position. the height is adjustable as well as the how far forward or back I wanted to mount. I no longer use a shifter and replaced with a side table. But you can see where the shifter bar is under the table. Good luck.
obutto 102015.jpg
Thanks guys for your help. I think I solved my problem. Last night I took apart my Playseat and tried mounting the Pro gearshift holder to the Obutto. It fits!! I had to remove some bracing pieces from the gearshift holder in order to let the seat slide but it's still very solid. Tonight I'll mount the shifter and post some pics.