I just found a pretty good deal on a excellent condition used Obutto. I got tired of my center post on my Playseat Revolution and decided to go with something different. Unfortunately the seller didn't have the shifter mount to go with it. Looking at pictures of the mount, it looks like it would make my Fanatec CSS sit higher than my liking. So I'm trying to think of a way to fab a mount. Has anyone here done that or have any good ideas on doing this? I currently have the PRO gearshift mount for my Playseat and once I get a chance I want to see if I can fit the top mounting plate to the Obutto. It looks like it might fit but I just won't be able to install the parts underneath for reinforcement. Making me wonder how stable it would be because that Pro gearshift mount in its full form is absolutely solid. So please let me know your ideas. Thanks