Just had a thought...

  • Thread starter GBWH1991


Dundee, Scotland
Sinner Bopper
Firstly, if this isn't the right place to post this, could one of the moderators please move it :)

Would it be a chance that PS1 games could be officially made in UMD format? If so, Gran Turismo 2 Arcade and Simulation discs coulb both fit onto a single UMD. You could have a basic menu when you load the disc to select either arcade or simulation modes. This could be produced officially and I honestly believe that it would sell really well... Thus making money for Sony and PD, and might tempt people to purchase the PS1 titles on UMD rather that use a hacked PSP to play illegal copies which sometimes freeze...

Other games could be produced like the obvious Gran Turismo (1)...

Plus, multiple PS1 games could be put on a single UMD in most cases, and selected like my idea for GT2...

The UMD discs can hold: 1.80 GB (dual layer), 900 MB (single-layer)
So the games with better graphics thus taking more memory could be bundled in one dual layer UMD, with basic games on a single layer UMD

I would love to see this happen, but just make sure that if this idea is put into production, they need to be sold in all regions - e.g. Sometimes the UK misses out on some great things...

If anyone having an interview with Kazurori any time soon, please ask him, as it would be great to hear from the man himself whether we could get GT1&2 legally on our PSPs...
I'm not sure this is legal...I don't know enough about this topic to say for sure. :scared: It's a cool idea, tho.
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I mean if the UMDs were avalible in shops etc. Like proper official items produced by Sony etc...

I was just stating that if these were officially produced then people might night resort to illegal activities...

Like if PD released these as official licensed products. Sorry if you mis understood the wording I used, I was talking about a 100% legal product that could be made, like the EA Replay that had some PS1 games including Road Rash...
I mean if the UMDs were avalible in shops etc. Like proper official items produced by Sony etc...

I was just stating that if these were officially produced then people might night resort to illegal activities...

Like if PD released these as official licensed products. Sorry if you mis understood the wording I used, I was talking about a 100% legal product that could be made, like the EA Replay that had some PS1 games including Road Rash...

oh i see.
Has Sony had any history of bundling and re-distributing their old PSX games in non-online stores? If not, then I wouldn't expect this to happen. To be honest, I'm not sure if this is the case, since my understanding of the industry is mostly limited to the GT-world and anything pre-1990.

I know this is a theoretical discussion, but copying the game for another console is technically not permitted, at least in the United States. It's a bit of a gray area, to be honest, since you can (and it is "encouraged" by Sony) play PSX games on PS2s or PS3s. Basically, if a permission is not expressly granted by law or by a corporate entity, it's generally not legal (despite logic, possibilities, and past performance).

With Sony and the rest of industry moving towards online distribution, I would expect Sony will do whatever is possible to promote their old games for their own profit, since they're doing so with the PS3.
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Sony won't release GT & GT2 for the PSP while GT Mobile (which is basically GT4) is still in the works. They'll want you to buy GT Mobile.