Karl Rove

  • Thread starter s0nny80y
Hey, so if revealing a covert agent's name to the public illegal, that would verify that Plame and Wilson's was covert in their fact finding mission claim that Iraq never sought yellow-cake uranium from Iraq.

It's illegal to reveal a covert agents name.
The agent is covert because they run secret missions.
Rove is being criticized because he revealed a covert agent's name.
But by veryfing Plame as a covert agent at the time, the story about the Iraq-Africa bid for nukes being fake, would be fake because the mission actually took place.
Therefore, the grounds that base the reason to invade Iraq would collapse.

Just because Saddam never bought the Uranium from Niger doesn't invalidate the liberation of Iraq. The question of going to war with Iraq was based on UN Resolution 1441, not from a known critic of the Bush administration like Joseph Wilson. The keyword in the State of the Union address was sought. Iraq indeed sought Uranium from Niger, as backed up by CIA and British intelligence reports. Besides, 3/4th of Niger's exports is Uranium. What else is Saddam going to buy there? Cattle?

Karl Rove is being criticized by the Liberal Media for being the headhunter of the Republican party and strategist of President Bush's re-election, not that he revealed Valerie Plame's name, because he never did. The first person to use Valerie Plame's name in public was Robert Novak. Karl Rove only learned of her name from other journalists and knew of rumors of Joseph Wilson's wife being in the Agency (CIA) and apparently authorizing Joseph Wilson's trip to Niger.

More fun from Wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valerie_Plame
Viper Zero
Karl Rove is being criticized by the Liberal Media for being the headhunter of the Republican party and strategist of President Bush's re-election, not that he revealed Valerie Plame's name, because he never did.

:rolleyes: From the very wiki you linked to it says "Rove's lawyer has confirmed that his client was one of Matthew Cooper's sources." You can claim the "liberal media" is unfairly attacking Rove if you want or even say Rove didn't know Plame was married to a CIA operative, or that he didn't tell Novak, but I have a hard time believing he didn't know what he was doing. A very hard time.

I read an article on Mr. Rove earlier this year, or last year in The Atlantic where he came off as vindictive, petty, willing to do anything and smear anyone to win an election.
It's illegal to reveal a covert agents name.
The agent is covert because they run secret missions.
Rove is being criticized because he revealed a covert agent's name.
But by veryfing Plame as a covert agent at the time, the story about the Iraq-Africa bid for nukes being fake, would be fake because the mission actually took place.
Therefore, the grounds that base the reason to invade Iraq would collapse.
Ummm, no. The fact that he was a covert agent does nothing to prove or disprove that the mission was real or fake. And that's just following logic, let alone that the real reason was Iraq's continual non-complinance with the terms of its own surrender.
Hey, so if revealing a covert agent's name to the public illegal, that would verify that Plame and Wilson's was covert in their fact finding mission claim that Iraq never sought yellow-cake uranium from Iraq.

It's illegal to reveal a covert agents name.
The agent is covert because they run secret missions.
Rove is being criticized because he revealed a covert agent's name.
But by veryfing Plame as a covert agent at the time, the story about the Iraq-Africa bid for nukes being fake, would be fake because the mission actually took place.
Therefore, the grounds that base the reason to invade Iraq would collapse.
You really need to get the correct info . As it is you have no clue . Most of what is going on is a side show to the special prosecuters investigation on the subject .
look into it and get a few facts ..get the right story even . Your WAAAAAAAAAAY off target .
First of all, according to their testimonies and email transcripts Karl Rove only said to Cooper that Wilson's trip was not approved by Cheney's office but instead by his wife, who works for the CIA, in order to point him in the right direction and away from the misinformation Joe Wilson was giving out.

Then last week Joe Wilson himself said on CNN that his wife was not a clandestine officer at the time and had not been for years, six to be exact.

So, it is hard to reveal a clandestine officer's identity when they aren't and haven't been for years, a clandestine officer.

To top this off Valerie Plame's supervisor at the CIA testified and has been interviewed on Fox News and some radio talk shows (I haven't seen him on anything else. Maybe they don't want him?) and he claims that Plame had revealed her role in the CIA to her friends and neighbors. Apparently she didn't feel there was a problem with having her identity revealed.

I honestly believe that if there is a crime here it is not what is being accused. So far people have only accused Rove of revealing a clandestine officer's identity and Joe Wilson himself has said that she was not one at the time or for years before. So essentially Rove did nothing more than say his wife is a desk clerk at the CIA

So, as far as I can tell with my understanding of what I have seen Rove is not guilty of the accusations being thrown at him. Now, he may have broken some other law that I am unaware of, but as of now I see controversy for nothing more than the sake of media ratings and mud slinging.

Hey, so if revealing a covert agent's name to the public illegal, that would verify that Plame and Wilson's was covert in their fact finding mission claim that Iraq never sought yellow-cake uranium from Iraq.

It's illegal to reveal a covert agents name.
The agent is covert because they run secret missions.
Rove is being criticized because he revealed a covert agent's name.
But by veryfing Plame as a covert agent at the time, the story about the Iraq-Africa bid for nukes being fake, would be fake because the mission actually took place.
Therefore, the grounds that base the reason to invade Iraq would collapse.

Um, do you watch the news regularly? The mission wasn't a covert mission. The mission was a completely public mission and Bush and Cheney found Wilson's data to appear funny and did not accept it. The only person who revealed Wilson's mission to the public was Wilson himself when he came back and wrote an editorial about it because Bush didn't believe him. This led to reporters investigating his claims and somewhere along teh lines finding out hsi wife worked for the CIA, which was relevant because she signed off on the mission, not the White House. There are other sources not yet revealed because on reporter went to jail instead of testifying. Cooper avoided jail time because Rove called and gave him permission to reval him as a source. Rove seems to be quite a nice guy when you consider the sacrifice he made to keep a man from going to jail for him.