Kazanori san tweeted me about gearbox problem

  • Thread starter jjbk
Ok so 9 hours ago he tweeted me, I missed it. here is what he said


Google translation
Customized gear boxes, when it is modified, you can adjust the final drive ratio of what we want

So its obvious he is not aware of the problem!!
and he is under the impression that it is fully customizable when you buy the Customizable gearbox!

So I have replied to him, and hopefully he will look into this, I explained it spreads the gear ratios apart, but we can't adjust the final drive nor can we adjust the gear ratios manually either. Hoping he will get the message, and we don't get a lost in translation.
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Are you sure you tweeted Kaz_Yamauchi?
The japanese language used in your post feels strange, and among his tweets there is not that message.
Regarding this matter he already wrote a while back that it's been a user interface choice due to the inclusion of the adjustable "speed", which would have conflicted with individual gear settings (not that I agree with this choice, though).
We want so see this message in an official interview and not via Twitter. Twitter is ********....I can name me Bruce Willis and talk to you...would you even believe, that I am the real Bruce Willis?

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