Kilometre > Miles or Vise-Versa

  • Thread starter Shannon
Alright, browsing through the forums people go on about miles. This car has a top speed of xxxmph. Get the drift. Well some of us don't use miles. So, here is a way of converting kilometers to miles or miles to kilometers. Alright, we all have a calculator don't we?

A kilometer is roughly 1.6 miles so to convert kilometers to miles, simply divide the number of kilometers by 1.6. To convert miles to kilometers simple multiply the number of miles by 1.6.
Me have saideth the full number before, it be 1.609344 km. 1.6 is good to an extent. i prefer to be more exact
Mentally calculating it, it's easier to use the old 5/8 trick, thus

A mile is bigger than a kilometer, hence miles = KMs * 5 / 8

> 100KMH = 100 * 5 / 8 = 62.5MPH.

How is this easier I hear you ask? Well, multiplication by 5 is really easy, as is division by 5. But if you're having difficulty with that, multiply by 10 (i.e. add a zero on the end), then halve it. If you're multiplying/dividing by 8, then you multiply/divide by TWO, THREE times, because 8 = 2 * 2 * 2.


100KMH = 100 x 10 / 2 / 2 /2 / 2

So, in your head, multiply by Ten
Divide by 2
Divide by 2
Divide by 2
Divide by 2

Converting the other way is just the reverse. Easy!

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