Kinect question + bonus question

  • Thread starter Vaxxtx
United States
San Antonio Tex
I am trying to decide if I should grab Kinect for the head tracking. I used Freetrack (Track IR but free) in my flight sims back in the day, and I couldnt play without it after I got a taste. It sucked you in and helped with keeping on eye on your surroundings.

I am not a fan of Move or Kinect as far as games, so I am trying to justify the purchase. I do see it being helpful in online as being able to keep an eye on other cars, specially when you are a clean driver. well do you think its been implemented? Enough to justify a purchase just for FM4? See, I dont think I want to dance around in my living room at 2 am in my boxers to a game. I?

Also bonus question. Why do some pronounce Forza, Fort-Za? I thought it was Forz-Ah Am I missing something?
Iv'e heard good and bad things about the head-tracking. It's personal preference I guess. The main complaints Iv'e heard is they lose the sense of exactly what steering input you need to put in when you look into the corner and the camera angle moves. I guess you kind of lose a little sense of direction with a non-fixed angle. Some people love it though. One thing people have said is to not try and look into the corner on purpose. Just do what you normally do and you will get used to it.

Hope that wasn't confusing and it helps.
See, I dont think I want to dance around in my living room at 2 am in my boxers to a game. I?


If you do get the Kinect thing let us know how it fares especially since you've used TrackIR before.
I happen to have Kinnect because I have a 7 year old kid. Legitimate excuse.

I will post my impressions when I get the game. I wouldn't go and get one just for Forza without impressions first.

I was/am pretty suspect when Kinnect was left out of the demo. Very un MS like.
Kinnect is normally force fed at the moment.

Leaving it out of the demo is a bit odd.

I have sat at my wheel and kinect picks up my head movement pretty well. That's on the dashboard BTW. I was a bit concerned that Kinnect would get confused only seeing a head and two hands lol.
Obviously my wheel and stand obscure the rest of me.

Verdict is out on this one.
I happen to have Kinnect because I have a 7 year old kid. Legitimate excuse.

I will post my impressions when I get the game. I wouldn't go and get one just for Forza without impressions first.

I was/am pretty suspect when Kinnect was left out of the demo. Very un MS like.
Kinnect is normally force fed at the moment.

Leaving it out of the demo is a bit odd.

I have sat at my wheel and kinect picks up my head movement pretty well. That's on the dashboard BTW. I was a bit concerned that Kinnect would get confused only seeing a head and two hands lol.
Obviously my wheel and stand obscure the rest of me.

Verdict is out on this one.

Yup my main cocern was how well it tracked. My kids are too young to actually use it 2yr and 3yr, and I since it is the only thing I would use it for is FM4...well...

The video I saw made by T10 had it looking awesome, but being left out of the demo is kind of odd. So I guess until more folks use it, review it, and post about it, I guess I will wait a bit.

Then again when I was playing flight sims using TrackIR, I saw other folks using it for Race sims on the PC and were also in love with it.

Seeee....damnit, I can freekin decide.
Yup my main cocern was how well it tracked.

I was at my local Best Buy the other day and they had the Kinect setup (like all BB probably) with some game. Usually it doesn't grab me. But this particular dance game had what looked like an infra-red shadow of what the Kinect was "seeing" and I have to say it looked as if it was pretty damn accurate. It had my hands slightly more "hot" than the rest of my body and seemed to be able to pick up some good detail in total movement.

Then again when I was playing flight sims using TrackIR, I saw other folks using it for Race sims on the PC and were also in love with it.

I've seen vids years ago with guys using it for PC racing and I always thought it looked impressive.
Regarding the headtracking, I guess it's a love it/hate it thing. I know I got a headache and felt somewhat sick when I used it at Gamescom - that's just me, of course. I don't react well to it, it seems.

It's probably pretty useful if you can get used to it, though.
TrackIR/ head tracking is a must when it comes to flight sims especially for IL-2. But unlike a flight sim 95% of the time in racing you are looking straight down the road in front of you.

The huge disadvantage of using head tracking in racing sims is you uses your eyes to help determine if the rear end of the car is starting to become loose. This helps make up the lack of feel that you have IRL.

Head tracking makes it a little harder to pin point the exact point your car is heading. Triple screen is a lot more natural (even though a lot more expensive) since your steering wheel is always pointing toward the front of the car. It's just doesn't feel natural to have the wheel pointing toward the side of the car so IMO it's not worth the hassle just to you check your sides. It's just as easy to assign buttons to look left/right on the wheel without all the extra movement.
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Head tracking might be useful for looking-to-apex maybe. It's a darn shame Kinect was not featured in the demo. Funny thing is Shift 2 had look-to-apex working automatically
If its any sort of justification for you I bought the Kinect just for this game for the head tracking. the best price I found was Sam's club at $138.88. It came with a game that will still have the wrapping on it for years and years :)
For ME I want to be able to have something in place that I use while normally driving, I do move my head to look in mirrors and when im changing lanes, so for me I am hoping this can be something that will make the game more realistic to how I drive in real life. Upping the "sim" feeling.
In regard to the post above from sandbox, I HATED that feature in Shift2, I want the view to change when I want it to, not automagically. It really threw me off when trying to drive.
Im hoping it will be epic! of course Im trying to justify the cost in my head. I hope im a "leaner" and it recognizes I want to look a certain way! I remember seeing a demo with Mr. Greenawalt saying he was a leaner too.
I WILL present my findings in this thread as to if it was a good purchase or not. My next day off is Thursday. I should have my lce from Amazon by then :)
*edit* I am playing with a playseat with a fanatec pwts wheel with clubsport pedals, with a 1080p projector. I am hoping I can eliminate the "marching ants" lines that show up in the demo...
I am trying to decide if I should grab Kinect for the head tracking. I used Freetrack (Track IR but free) in my flight sims back in the day, and I couldnt play without it after I got a taste. It sucked you in and helped with keeping on eye on your surroundings.

I am not a fan of Move or Kinect as far as games, so I am trying to justify the purchase. I do see it being helpful in online as being able to keep an eye on other cars, specially when you are a clean driver. well do you think its been implemented? Enough to justify a purchase just for FM4? See, I dont think I want to dance around in my living room at 2 am in my boxers to a game. I?

Also bonus question. Why do some pronounce Forza, Fort-Za? I thought it was Forz-Ah Am I missing something?

All I can say is, wait for our REAL life reviews on this forum. I have Kinect, so I can give you some feed back on that as well.

Head tracking might be useful for looking-to-apex maybe. It's a darn shame Kinect was not featured in the demo. Funny thing is Shift 2 had look-to-apex working automatically

It's great to look right to your your side right mirror and window to see where a car is on the side of you as well.
All I can say is, wait for our REAL life reviews on this forum. I have Kinect, so I can give you some feed back on that as well.

It's great to look right to your your side right mirror and window to see where a car is on the side of you as well.

Thank you.

And yeah, thats what I was thinking it would be useful to use as is.
Right then America, What's the verdict on head tracking?

I am a bit concerned on this, put me out of my misery please.
I plan to get my copy today but I have no wheel that works with xbox. I might give my thoughts later but I would give anyone that has a wheel + Kinect a much more higher priority and weight if you know what I mean lol. you know what I'm saying right- someone with a wheel + Kinect can tell us how 'immersive' everything is

plus using a joypad I'm not sure if kinect would offer me anything anyways beyond autovista and that casual driving mode
Anyone got an opinion on this yet?

I agree fella. Really disappointed in no real feedback on this subject.

I suspect it poor, people tend to just dismiss the poor side of things at first when playing new material.

Hope I am totally wrong. I had suspicions when it wasn't with the demo.
That's why I'm sceptical.
To be fair head tracking can take some time to get use to. IRL you are mostly moving your eyes more than your head but with head tracking it's the opposite as well the fact your turn your eyes the opposite direction of your head. When it comes to racing it can be a disadvantage more than an advantage especially until you get use to it. (I don't have Kinect but I have TrackIR)

I've notice Turn 10 remove the option to look left/right probably trying to push Kinect. This is why I dislike console titles as often they don't have the gamers best interest in mind.

added: It seems some are having problems with head tracking over at Forza forums. (a little more hassle than TrackIR) They seem to have got it working yet after the novelty wears off I doubt too many will continue using it.
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I've notice Turn 10 remove the option to look left/right probably trying to push Kinect. This is why I dislike console titles as often they don't have the gamers best interest in mind.

They have not removed the look left / right option..... So not quite sure what you are talking about there.

Headtracking is great. They have plenty of options to configure the tracking. The sensor will either follow a "lean" or "turn" of your head. I am currently experimenting with different settings to find what works best for me with the most movement left to right from center of the cockpit camera. I mainly only use it for "look to apex" but have been able to check the mirrors as well as other vehicle position during passing attempts.

This is my current set up. Unfortunately I will have to re-adjust the settings once my permanent tv stand and seat replacement arrive this weekend/next week.


In general, the headtracking is quite accurate. I do notice some slight twitching of the camera from the center position but there are options to adjust the sensor/camera angle sensitivity to reduce/remove this. I have been tinkering with the settings to allow full driver side to passenger side movement of the camera. Unfortunately, I have not been able to produce this. I know it is possible due to the configuration settings; but I have not had any luck. It is most likely due to the proximity of the Kinect sensor to my Playseat. For those of you who do not have experience with any Kinect motion control, Microsoft suggests a very large, very open play area with no obstructions and a minimum / maximum distance of 6 ft. to 8ft. away from the sensor. Obviously, my rig is much closer to the sensor than this so I am sure I am losing some precision in tracking. Nyko announced months ago that they would be releasing a "zoom lens" for the Kinect that would allow for close proximity play. I will be picking this up in the near future.

If you have played Shift 2 you will be familiar with the "look to apex" function of the helmet view. Using this felt very unnatural and it seemed I spent more time compensating for the movement of the camera than using it for its advantage. The Kinect headtracking in FM4 is the exact opposite. Since you are in control of the camera movement, with multiple configuration settings, the "learning curve" is small to non-existent. I felt very comfortable using it after very few laps around Infineon. And if there is one track that is full of elevation changes and turns it is Infineon. The movement of the camera is as slow or fast as you would like it to be. I suggest using the head turn tracking instead of lean, mainly because it feels more natural.

You can look to the apex of a turn and the camera will follow to your point of view. As you go through the apex and your line of sight adjusts, the sensor follows. This provides a very smooth and natural experience that "headtracking" in GT5 and helmet view in Shift 2 just cannot even come close to.

If you have the financial means or are just a tech/sim nut then Kinect is something you may want to invest in. If you do not have the capital for such an adventure than you NEED to at least try it out. This is the first game on XBOX using the Kinect for headtracking control in a race-sim environment; but it certainly does not preform like it is the pioneer. It is an absolutely wonderful feature that multiplies the immersion by a factor of infinity.


EDIT: If you made it to this point... Thanks for reading. Please feel free to share feedback, questions, or complaints.

This weekend I will be capturing, uploading, sharing configuration and gameplay video highlighting the efficiency of Kinect. If you have any requests do not hesitate to let me know.
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