- 269
- klevrah
Kingz Stable Drift Tuning
Time has come to unleash the beast's out of the cage and watch the global drift scene change forever. In this thread I will share all settings of my most graceful sliders. I will start by saying that I am an extreme player of GT5 and as soon as I joined my first drift lobby the notion of racing became lost to me (for a while anyway).
If you are new to drifting, I have some base tunes I will post to let you get used to my style of tuning, if the tunes blend nicely with you, the scores in the picture below will be easily attainable by the time your tandeming right(I really mean this).
Core Test Tune (Rx7) --> https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/showthread.php?t=135527&page=40
if you like this car you will be able to drift any of my tunes. If not our styles are different, try a different garage.
The difference with point drifting?
The only difference is I usually drop the max speed slider (transmission setting) to the lowest speed possible and aim to take the corners in the highest gear possible while maintaining loss of traction, and also following the line (2 tyres on rumble strip is good too).
So is this only for point cars?
Hell no! they all are point cars, when I move that max speed slider down, If I want a car battle ready, i'll keep the max speed just below stock (on most cars) this is the only difference.
Will I need to tune for different elevations and such?
You can but I never do. Once my car is tuned I never touch the settings again (besides top speed). It is a well known fact that tuning for certain courses is ideal, but I tune to get an all round good car and build my experience with chosen car / setting.
One course to practice drift on?
At the very beginning yes, but it must be kept as short as possible (the same is to be said of one's first drift car). Try technical tracks that you know well, you should find it easier this way. Even resort to turning the line on and learning where the best place to brake/ initiate a drift is and associate a marker with it for future reference.
Driving assist???
ABS at 1, all the rest turned off
About 4WD drifting?
I don't mind it but allot of the drifters on GT5 do. Just chill and leave these guy's alone. You will find that allot of the Japanese CH rooms usually allow 4WD so go and check them out if you want to try 4WD and need a point of reference.
more info to come...
more tunes to follow
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