KY announced it already?

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Quote'' KY: It took five years. In those five years, we could not see the end. I would wake up at work, go to sleep at work. It was getting cold, so I knew it must be winter. I estimate I was home only four days a year.

He cant be talking about GT1, It was released 1997 so they couldn't have been working on it since Sega Genesis days " 1992 "!!

*.He said it took 5 years, They announced GT5 on 2006, so it means they started work on 2005.

*. He mentioned that they couldn't see the end, which is exactly whats happening now as he already stated " We can always keep working on it " which feels like it's GT5 that he is talking about.

*.He said " It was getting cold, so I knew it must be winter " feels like pointing release date for Holidays, Xmas which it should be Winter by then.

*.And at last he said " I estimate I was home only four days a year " That looks like Q4 " for days a year " !! that's a freagin Quarter 4 of this year!!!

Ok now i feel great because i moved this off my chest, because i know it will be closed as there isn't many threads that can survive this forum lol. But hey, thats what this Forum is all about! GT5 isn't out yet, so its the place for speculations, i mean You're not gonna talk about GT5's features which you have no idea about, are you?.
It's somewhat of an eye opener, but uh......


It does make sense, anyway.
He cant be talking about GT1, It was released 1997 so they couldn't have been working on it since Sega Genesis days " 1992 "!!
He and his "developer buddies" started working on the game before the PS1 was out, whats wrong with that?

EDIT: AFAIK Motor Toon GP already uses physics and other engine things from Gran Turismo.
He and his "developer buddies" started working on the game before the PS1 was out, whats wrong with that?

EDIT: AFAIK Motor Toon GP already uses physics and other engine things from Gran Turismo.

You mean they started the making before GT1 was even out by 5 years ?i don't think so.
The current development phase is being overseen by circa 150 people. This is another reason why it may not necessarily connect.

Still, I wouldn't have noticed how well the circumstances coincide.
He cant be talking about GT1, It was released 1997 so they couldn't have been working on it since Sega Genesis days " 1992 "

From that Autoweek article:

AW: When did you make the first Gran Turismo?

KY: I started in the latter half of 1992.


Over active imagination I think
Why is it so hard to believe that a game of the scope that the original GT game was and with the number of developers it took that long?
Oh Gawd, we already saw this interview ages ago...I need to have emergency services on standby cause I see too many hype posts like these with the same info being regurgitated
Ok now i feel great because i moved this off my chest, because i know it will be closed as there isn't many threads that can survive this forum lol. But hey, thats what this Forum is all about! GT5 isn't out yet, so its the place for speculations, i mean You're not gonna talk about GT5's features which you have no idea about, are you?.

Yes but this kind of speculation is unhealthy for some people, they take it too seriously and when the speculated dates/theories come around they become massively disappointed and we see a load of threads about PD not delivering and so on.
Plus the fact you've taken some of KY's quotes way, way out of context in order to find some theory out of them.
This is COMPLETELY different from announcing GT5. Hinting about it, possibly, but the original posted needs to change the title.
I read an article where Kaz said he likes porsche's, this could only mean Kaz will be a playable character and will drive a Porsche in GT5.

Really, people need to stop looking into things so much.
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