
  • Thread starter bs13
United States
Why are members allowed to call others complainers, haters, whiners, etc. when another member has a different opinion or viewpoint? IMHO this doesn't promote a healthy forum environment.

When I read a forum I want to read all opinions. I don't want to read others bashing those with objective comments. Without objectivity its really not an open forum anymore.

I've spent a ton of time on forums over the past 10 years or so and haven't seen such an unfriendly bunch of regular members. This really should change to bring in new blood. A few bad apples shouldn't ruin the contributions of the selfless members. We should encourage the helpful members and discourage those who only make comments about other users.

Perhaps you could adjust and enforce your AUP rule.

"* You will not behave in an abusive and/or hateful manner, and will not harass, threaten, nor attack any individual or any group."

Thanks for your time.

P.S. In the FAQ's in the "About GTPlanet" section the "Why does GTPlanet have unusual rules?" link is broken.
Why are members allowed to call others complainers, haters, whiners, etc. when another member has a different opinion or viewpoint?
They aren't.
Perhaps you could adjust and enforce your AUP rule.
The number of infractions and warnings the moderators have been giving out for exactly this offence has set new records in the last 3 days - to me it seems they're enforcing it pretty well.

However we can't be everywhere at once and, particular during high activity times around a game's release when excitement and tempers are running hot, we rely on members reporting bad behaviour when they see it.
... we rely on members reporting bad behaviour when they see it.
This I didn't know. Reporting somebody when you feel insulted seems logical but others.... .

I'm going to have a blast reporting others. [/joke]

They aren't.The number of infractions and warnings the moderators have been giving out for exactly this offence has set new records in the last 3 days - to me it seems they're enforcing it pretty well.

However we can't be everywhere at once and, particular during high activity times around a game's release when excitement and tempers are running hot, we rely on members reporting bad behaviour when they see it.
Well I'm certainly glad to hear that bit of news. I understand you all are busy but it seems like any criticism the past few months is met with rudeness, insults and personal attacks. That should not happen and I had to say something.

Forum members shouldn't have to apologize before sharing a critical opinion or be afraid of retaliation when they do. I would spend more time on the forums and refer friends if the forums were more friendly.

Thanks for your reply and for listening.