Last Man on Earth - Fox Sundays (US)


United States
United States
So I don't have cable, but can pick up local channels via antenna, and saw the preview for this while watching the Daytona 500. Looks interesting, but as many previews are saying across the web we'll have to see how long they can keep it afloat.

It's definitely going to be a one-man show, unless he turns out to not really be the last man on Earth.

As a comedy, I expect a lot of sight gags, which would probably wear pretty thin on me.
I like the premise of the series, but it seems like something that would work better as a mini-series than a normal series as I'd imagine they will run out of ideas rather quickly.
Just watched the first couple episodes. It started off great, watching him try to keep himself busy. Lots of hilariously funny stuff. And then...........the annoying lady showed up and ruined it for me. Might watch episode 3 if I get bored sometime this week, but if it doesn't get any better I'm going to pass on the rest.
Just watched the first couple episodes. It started off great, watching him try to keep himself busy. Lots of hilariously funny stuff. And then...........the annoying lady showed up and ruined it for me. Might watch episode 3 if I get bored sometime this week, but if it doesn't get any better I'm going to pass on the rest.
Make it to the end of episode 3. Things are not as they seem.
They are doing well. Love the show. Missed it last night so will have to catch up on it..
To be honest, Will Forte's character is beginning to wear on me. It's getting to be basically the same joke in different situations. Out of some form of jealousy he lies in an attempt to look good, gets busted, lies some more, and then tries to whine his way out of it. I feel like I am watching a petulant child or the odd kid in school who embarrasses himself every time he attempts to be accepted.

That said:
Including the cow in the silent treatment was a really great comedic moment.
Missed some episodes, I got till the guy in the Audi came.. need to catch up... found it pretty entertaining till then...
Started good but I'm getting annoyed by it now. Event seems to be repeating and the new Phil made it even less interesting for me, thought it could turn good but I dont really fancy the way this series is going atm. Will continue to watch a bit and see where it goes.
I think the season is done in the US. The very last scene was more intriguing than the entire season.