Le Mans 24 games for playstation?

  • Thread starter DarkFalcon
Yes one did come out many years ago for PS2, Difficult to find though. I found it once at EB for like $3.00 once but never purchased it.
I have the old one from 2000 for the PS2......I got it from EB for $10 new.

It's a fun game.......CRAP graphix (what do you expect from a 6 year old game?? lol) and no DF/DFP support, but it's fun and many people believe it's the only game that truely captures the 24 hour racing feel.
There is also one for PS1, but thats off topic, but I have it!
I have a Ps1 24 Hours Game.

I made a small comparison a while ago, you can veiw it Here

It only compares the 24 hour race, nothing else, and it's very small.
There are 2 I have.

Test Drive Le Mans - PS1 (Not a bad game, fun for me).

Le Mans 24 Hours - PS2 (VERY fun game. Mixes the LMPs with the classic GTs. You can even race the Group C cars).👍
the ps2 version was was fun, but, very arcadey ... the graphics werent the best , but the weather effects were really good 👍
I've had the PS1 and PS2 versions. Both were fun, although the PS1 version brought me most joy.

PWNing Labre Competition 911s with a Marcos.
I have the PS2 game. It's 6 years old but still - by far - the BEST endurance racing game for the PS2.

Just to let you know, I started (another) 24 hour race maybe a month ago (you can save the race when you pit, but in real time each stint/fuel load takes nearly two hours of racing, and if you pit before your time you can say goodbye to your victory hopes).

Last time I pitted - at about 3:00 AM sunday - I was second (works Panoz), maybe 30 seconds behind 1st (the other works Panoz) and other 30 secs ahead of 3rd, 4th and 5th (The 3 Audis, they have been in a pack since the start of the race). Only the Pescarolo, in 6th position, and the two Oreca LMPs (7th and 8th) are still in the same lap.

The race started (16:00 sat) under heavy rain, later (about 20:00 sat) it dried out, but by midnight rain poured again, and it's still raining (mild rain).

I'm looking for a team win (one/two), so I've been protecting my virtual teammate form the Audis. It's easier in rainy conditions (the AI Panoz rides at the same pace as the Audis) then in the dry, where the Audis are at least one/two seconds per lap faster the the AI Panoz (and, even for me, the "Audi dry pace" is hard to keep up with).

If anyone wants to know what Le Mans is all about, the closer you get (in the PS2) to it is through this game.
I feel they should make a modern one. It's something SimBin should look into. But no shortcuts. Do what the PS2 version did. Have cars from the 80's to the 2000's.

That's what I liked. How the 80's cars were racing against the cars 20 years younger and keeping pace.
1 thing you might want to know about the PS2 (given you pick it up or not) is do not enter cheat codes.

The developers were pretty smart in that doing so, you could not save the game. So, anyone who entered cheats for those nice Audis and pulled 6 hours in LeMans, just lost it all.

1 thing is that its very easy to take advantage of the physics. With them being arcade, you can easily out brake and out corner the other cars. That's why I suggest playing the game in Hard if you want a real challenge. Normal's only hard when you have a car that doesn't stand up to some of the LMPs, IE, McLaren to BMW V12 LMR.

Overall, it's a good game I suggest picking up if you're into the early 2000s line-up, and some of the Group C cars.
The game has the 1999 Le Mans line up (missing the Toyota, sadly), and that's the one you use in the Road Atlanta Race (up to 10 hours, if run in real time) and in Free Race, Time Attack, 2-player mode and championships.

The group C cars, if unlocked, can be used in TA, FR, 2 player. I'm not sure if they can be used in championships or in the Road Atlanta Race.

And it also has the 2000 Le Mans line up, but you can only use it in the Le Mans race (sad, sad), it isn't available for anything else (if someone knows a cheat about this, I'll gladly want to know it too).

About outbraking and outcornering, in the Le Mans race you have the Audis and the rest. In hard settings and without any aids, I'd say that it is hard for anybody to lap consistently at the pace the three Audis do. (it may be easier during the night, and under rainy conditions).

I'm not saying you can't outbrake and outcorner them. I'm just saying that in thirty minutes of racing (about 10 laps) during the day and with a dry track, you'll need full concentration and some experience to gain just a few seconds from them.
I have Test Drive: Le mans for Dreamcast, and I rented Le Mans 24 Hours for PS2 years ago. I didn't like anything about it. The graphics, the gameplay, I thought sucked. Might pick it up if I find it cheap enough and give it another chance though.
The game has the 1999 Le Mans line up (missing the Toyota, sadly), and that's the one you use in the Road Atlanta Race (up to 10 hours, if run in real time) and in Free Race, Time Attack, 2-player mode and championships.

The group C cars, if unlocked, can be used in TA, FR, 2 player. I'm not sure if they can be used in championships or in the Road Atlanta Race.

And it also has the 2000 Le Mans line up, but you can only use it in the Le Mans race (sad, sad), it isn't available for anything else (if someone knows a cheat about this, I'll gladly want to know it too).

About outbraking and outcornering, in the Le Mans race you have the Audis and the rest. In hard settings and without any aids, I'd say that it is hard for anybody to lap consistently at the pace the three Audis do. (it may be easier during the night, and under rainy conditions).

I'm not saying you can't outbrake and outcorner them. I'm just saying that in thirty minutes of racing (about 10 laps) during the day and with a dry track, you'll need full concentration and some experience to gain just a few seconds from them.

I think the Group C cars can be run on Atlanta, not sure though. I do remember seeing the Jaguar XJR9 LeMans car, but I can't remember if it was the Petit race or arcade.
I think the Group C cars can be run on Atlanta, not sure though. I do remember seeing the Jaguar XJR9 LeMans car, but I can't remember if it was the Petit race or arcade.

I don't have the group C cars unlocked in my game save (you have to win the big one (the full 24 hours race) to get them, so I can't confirm what you wrote, but I'm close to finish my race, and with a good chance of winning it (I finished my last stint, two nights ago, at about 11:00 AM sunday. I think I'll wrap this one up this weekend).

After that I'll try to enter the 10 hours Petit Le Mans Race with the Jaguar or the - even older, but also beautiful - Lancia LC2.

A pic, because this car is almost forgotten:

I'm also on the LeMans 24 Hour test. I got a corrupted save a long time ago around when I got it (when I could manage the Time Trails) with a Panoz.

Since the Audis are faster and better guarantee at winning, I chose the black one. With it, I pit about every 25 laps which I think is almost 2 hours per stint. So I don't play it too much unless I'm really bored.
Since the Audis are faster and better guarantee at winning, I chose the black one. With it, I pit about every 25 laps which I think is almost 2 hours per stint. So I don't play it too much unless I'm really bored.

My first Le Mas 24 hours was with the yellow one. Then I did another one with a privateer Panoz (the one with the danish flag painted all over it). The second was easier, but that was because I was faster. This one is with the works Panoz and I'm sure I'll win it also (three hours to finish, I'm standing first with second 1m30s behind me).

A litle update: I thought I had no group C cars unlocked, but I checked and I already have the Jaguar (it gets unlocked in the Petit Le Mans race compressed to 100 minutes). I tried to enter the same Petit Le Mans race with it and it was possible. It's only a pity that we can't enter the Le Mans race with those cars (double-checked and no, they're not available for that one).
I'm gonna resurrect this thread as I just started playing this again. Fantastic game.
I found one on Ebay in great condition (used of course) for 3.99+4 for shipping. Yes the game is dated but I just love the visuals and the real 24 hours (or 24 minutes or less or more?) weather/day-night effects.