Le Mans 24hrs... killed my blu ray

  • Thread starter targa1970
My original fat spec ps3's blur ray/dvd gave up at the end of the Le Mans 24hrs b-spec :ill:

At least I got to finish the race, claim the exp etc but now it won't even read the gt5 disc or any other dvd/blu ray I try.. :grumpy:

Worst thing is it's my birthday this week so now I won't be able to log on and get my birthday car!

Still I could always download Mass Effect 2 from the psn store...

Any ideas what to do about the blu ray drive? Is it worth buying a new one to do a diy fix? any of you guys done it?

I was thinkin of junking it and getting a new ps3 - how much memory can you get nowadays? is it still 320gb? or is there more now?
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I have upgraded my HDD to 500gb on the 'fat' ps3, I would expect changing a blu ray drive would be alot more complicated than a harddrive as you would have to open the PS3 up rather than it just being a slot on the side like a HDD

If your PS3 is old I think it would be best just to get a new one

RIP targa1970's ps3
Same problem as I had. I (got a friend to) change the blu-ray lens, but only one month later it broke again.

But since I'm no expert in this, I won't give any recommendations. It just seems that too much GT5 is more than what the PS3 can handle :) I got a new 160GB and I hope that it'll last longer than the old one.
I have an original 60g. As of today it has not been shutoff in a month. It grinds away (2) 9 hours enduros daily then a-spec for me all night lol. It will get some rest I just hit 38 in b-spec last night and 40 is lookin good here soon!
Yeah... that's what I did mate.

Hardly used it since MW 2 - then more or less 15hrs a day to get the b-spec up since launch day.... of course once you hit the endurance races it's on all the time... I blame tsubuka 9hrs as much as le mans 24hrs...
Honestly, there are ways for you play LEGALLY as long as you own the game (atleast where I live, Sweden) without the use of the Blu-Ray drive.
Don't know if it's ok to talk about so I'm not gonna say anything more at this moment.
Need ok from a moderator or something.
Hardly used it since MW 2

Mech Warrior 2 rocks, sorry couldn't resist the "joke"

Sorry to hear about the drive, I expect a repair place can fix it, for a coffee spitting fee

PS take coffee, when they quote a price be mid swig and pffffttttttt helps with haggling.
And some people here also had the courage of assuring me that doing those races wouldn't have affected my ps3. I will never do those endurances, it's just so evident that Sony made it purposely.
Yeah it's installed on the hard drive - all 8gb - but how do i start the game from there?

I thought there was still a lot of stuff on the disc that wasn't installed? I know I can play games downloaded from the psn store - but is there a way I can get to the gt5 file and start it up?
The GT5 file can't start up the game, it's only for faster loading of cars, tracks and menus as far as I know.
If you decide to keep the PS3- the original 60 or 80GB ones are worth keeping even as Blu Ray player (and SACD player if you have SACDs and are an audiophile) you can have the laser replaced as someone has suggested.

You can get a new replacement lens for around $50-$60 and if you're not inclined to do it yourself, there's always store around town that'll do it. Here's a link to a webstore that sells replacement lens: http://www.gocybershop.ca/customer/product.php?productid=2008&cat=278&page=1
Funny my original fat ps3's blue ray only lasted 5 days after the gt5 release. I just went ahead and bought myself a brand new slim. Kinda nice too since its so quiet compaired to the fat systems fan running at all times. Best of all my old fat system was 3 days from its extended warranty from expiring, so I got lucky and will soon have two systems. Although I couldn't remember my psn name and email I used so I had to start all over...
As someone currently 4 and a half hours into the 24 hours of Le Mans B-Spec race, I am not heartened by this if I'm honest. And this is me with a 40GB monolith.

Seriously, if I wake up and my PS3's dissolved into a puddle on the floor I'm blaming you :P
It is easy to take the ps3 apart. I have a eye (the whole assembly) that I bought for my fatty but it didn't fix it because I needed a whole blu ray drive. I bought it new for $85 if you want to try it i'll sell it for $50 (was only in my ps3 for 10 mins).

If you don't want to buy that then buy a whole new blu ray drive (something like $150) and that will fix it, just make sure that is the problem before you buy it. After buying that part and then needing to buy the whole drive for $150 it made more sense to just buy a slim and i'm glad I did.
are you sure you need to replace your whole drive. My friend has a similar problem and all I have to do is get proper lens cleaner and q-tip to clean the lens. If your PS3 can still play CD's or DVD's then it only needs to be cleaned.
Just keep them cool boys, keep them cool. If the fans going twenty to the dozen you know it needs to be. Open a window. Get some cool air in there. Dust it down. It'll be ok. Touch wood.
I don't understand how your systems are breaking down. You're all saying that long periods of use will ruin essential components to your PS3... I purchased my original launch 60GB back in November of 2006. I used to run FH 24/7 before Life with PlayStation was released... My 60GB has only been powered down maybe three times since i purchased it (excluding power outages) The ironic thing about it is that it still works as good as the day i bought it. The same story can be said about my 250GB slim that i picked up last September.
I'm leaning to buy a new 320gb - I was running out of memory on my 60gb fatty as it was.

I tried DVD's, CD's, SACD's etc as well as blu ray - nothing is recognised - no icon in the menu for discs comes up anymore. So no GT5 until I get paid and a new one.

I might keep fatty to stream movies and use it for the qriocity music unlimited ( over 1000 albums now..) but the fan noise does get in the way.

My old PS2 still works - that had a lot more use than this one - a lot more!

But hey I a guess I'm just unlucky.
Just keep them cool boys, keep them cool. If the fans going twenty to the dozen you know it needs to be. Open a window. Get some cool air in there. Dust it down. It'll be ok. Touch wood.
THIS ^ Guys all you need to do is make sure you keep ur PS3 well ventilated during Enduros. I kept my PS3 on for a whole week straight just doing B-Spec and the fan was running on low speed the whole time only occasionally kicking over to a higher speed.
Keeping cool didn't work for me and the blu ray - good ventilation, no mucked up vents etc

Sure it helps with the motherboard etc - but not so sure with a total blu ray/dvd drive failure...

Right now I think I might download Gt5 prologue from the online store just to get a gt fix. - do you think after a couple of months of gt5 you can go back to gt5Prologue?????
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