Le Mans GT4 would be a great addition.

  • Thread starter ctdc67
United States
United States
The Hypercars were a popular new additions. GT4 could be another popular addition with many manufacturers adding to the field for a budget price. Mustangs, Camaros, Supra and more.
Maybe - what are the top speeds of GT4 cars? if they are significantly slower than Hypercars and GT3's they may pose a serious danger to the fast cars. Hypercars do 340km/h+ on the straights, GT3 and LMP2 around 305 km/h -
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As a support race, sure. But not in the main show; there isn't enough space on the grid between Hypercar, GT3 and LMP2 as it is. Even if it was just Hypercar and GT3 you'd easily fill a 61 car field + 1 Garage 56.

Edit: and there's already a 24 hour race series that includes GT4 cars - Creventic 24H Series caters for them, along with GT3s and TCRs.
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Maybe - what are the top speeds of GT4 cars? if they are significantly slower than Hypercars and GT3's they may pose a serious danger to the fast cars. Hypercars do 340km/h+ on the straights, GT3 and LMP2 around 305 km/h -
Back during the 24 Hours of Nurburgring when a GT3 was overtaking at GT4 on the Dottinger Hohe the speed difference was significant but it didn't seem the GT3's were blowing past like they do on a TCR car or something like that. I'll have to go back and take a look at the race on ADAC's Youtube channel.
Maybe - what are the top speeds of GT4 cars? if they are significantly slower than Hypercars and GT3's they may pose a serious danger to the fast cars. Hypercars do 340km/h+ on the straights, GT3 and LMP2 around 305 km/h -
In ACC (yeah, I know) they top out just over 160mph depending on the car - close enough to 260km/h. They're certainly more slower than the GTEs are slower than the Hypercars, and you're talking about the same relative closing speeds with the LMH/LMDh as a milk float on a motorway.
I did think about the speed/safety aspect. They can adjust the performances if needed. But Le Mans probably isn’t about affordable sport cars anyways. The Corvette is as close as it gets.
Well, there were cars doing 200+mph, passing non-turbo 911s, with less than safe conditions in the late 1960s.

Watching the current race, it's mainly acceleration, out of corners, that would be the most concerning, when passing slower traffic.
The Hypercars were a popular new additions. GT4 could be another popular addition with many manufacturers adding to the field for a budget price. Mustangs, Camaros, Supra and more.
Problem is (Aside from the driving aspect as others have mentioned) with the 24 Hours Of Le Mans being part of the WEC, the amount of allowed entrants is severely limited (Most of which is also determined by the amount of pit stalls at most of the circuits).

- The full time Hypercar spots already take up 11 spots and then the race specific entrants of the Cadillacs from Ganassi and AXR, the two additional Porsches from Penske and JOTA as well as the second car from SCG bring that up to 16 spots total in class (Which is probably THE most manufacturer participation in the top class since...either the late 80s or the late 90s) and that's just this season. Things are gonna get just that little bit more cramped when you then throw in the WRT BMWs, the 2 cars from Lamborghinis and the Alpine as well as the interesting effort from Isotta.

- LMP2 has been removed from the series specifically to make room for more Hypercar entries and while the Class is still allowed for the race itself, the spots are now only 15 or so (at least last I heard) so there is that class to consider.

- Then there's the exclusively Pro-Am class of LMGT3, which itself is gonna see a massive explosion due to well, GT3 being GT3.

And of course we can't forget Garage 56 still being a thing (Especially after what I would say might've been THE most high Profile, most popular entry in the short history of this initiative) So the room for GT4 all things considered is kinda not there.