Leaving drivers free

  • Thread starter MN6WS6
Hey guys, common courtesy says you should NEVER set your yahoo widget to "Leave Zero Drivers Free". When you do that, it ties up everybody's racers and they can't start any races themselves, which is a topic covered in the FAQ stickied at the top of this page. I have had to remove 5 people from my PSN friends over the past few weeks because of this issue. Please be courteous of others and change your settings.

The same rule applies if you set your races up manually. Always leave one driver free unless your PSN friends have specified differently!
Unfortunately some people cant do that a couple of my friends only have 1 driver but most have six. Best thing to do would be to set 1 offline then put him online when you want to host your own race but i do know it can be annoying.
If you only have one driver, why would you set him online? Then you can't use him/her yourself! Sorry, I disagree, common courtesy still applies, leave at least one driver free or ask in advance to everybody you plan on using as remote friends if you insist on leaving zero free.
He wanted me to race him online as he prefers a-spec but wanted the extra cash. I'm not disagreeing with you but it made it impossible for me to do that for the others that had six drivers
You could always put him in the top section of "Always Use" and set that section to "Leave 0 drivers free". Then everybody else could go in the second section, which can be set on "Random" or "Reciprocate" and that section can be set on "Leave 1 driver free" or higher. That's what I do on my satellite accounts.
You could always put him in the top section of "Always Use" and set that section to "Leave 0 drivers free". Then everybody else could go in the second section, which can be set on "Random" or "Reciprocate" and that section can be set on "Leave 1 driver free" or higher. That's what I do on my satellite accounts.

This. At least that's what I do as well. I wouldn't ever use the last remaining driver of anyone where I don't know for sure that s/he wants me to use all available drivers. Though I know I have used the last remaining driver on rare occasions, not sure how, but I think it can happen when two people are trying to reserve a different set of drivers of the same account at (roughly) the same time. Let's say drivers A and B are available, and one account attempts to reserve driver A, leaving B, and the other attempts to reserve driver B, leaving A, both might indeed be successful in reserving the respective drivers, while leaving none available. Not sure whether that's what's actually happening, but it seems it can happen that none are available even though everyone seemingly left at least one available.
You can go through the log under the community section and see who is using your drivers. On five separate occasions I've had one person using all my drivers at one time. Since most people use the grinder, the only way to resolve it is to unfriend them on PSN, wait until their race is over, get your race started, then send them a message letting them know why you dropped them. Most people realize what happened and it's no big deal, set it to leave one free and go on with life.