Legal Racism!

  • Thread starter Danny


Code Red
United Kingdom
Are you kidding?
Surely this is racism. My God, I hate this guy.

If you don't like our country, get the hell out of it!


FURIOUS prison warders have blasted plans to let jailed fanatic Abu Hamza have his meals served only by fellow Muslims.

Hamza, 47, claims his food is contaminated if touched by people of a different faith.

And bosses at Belmarsh Prison have caused a storm by preparing to submit to his demands, made at the monthly meeting of Belmarsh's Race Relations Board.

Warders claim it is the latest in a string of incidents that show a gang of Islamic prisoners known as the Muslim Boys are calling the tune at the top security prison in South London.

The prison has already agreed to buy Hamza and fellow Muslim prisoners their halal meat in bulk to prepare their traditional dishes. "

This is the same guy that had his whole house fixed up and decorated from taxpayer's money, and threatened the council workers doing it when one of them accidentally walked in on his (ugly) wife without her headscarf!


The hypocritical ******* will burn in hell.
How about we just let his ass starve to death? At least he gets food unlike some people in the world, and he's in prison.
Look, I like Muslims, but why on Earth do they feel the need to change everything to fit their lifestyle? They're going to reach a point where everyone in the world is just going to tell them to grow a pair and suck it up.
I don't know what his story is, but of what little I have observed, he should get a steady diet of pork and whiskey.
The other thing does he know non-muslim hands didn't handle it before it got to the prison. Who slaughtered the livestock or picked the vegatables. This mentality is radically, for lack of a better word, racist.

I would love for a christian to claim the same thing. He wouldn't even make the 3am news update on MSNBC. :lol:
How about we just let his ass starve to death? At least he gets food unlike some people in the world, and he's in prison.
Look, I like Muslims, but why on Earth do they feel the need to change everything to fit their lifestyle? They're going to reach a point where everyone in the world is just going to tell them to grow a pair and suck it up.

Exactly. I'm all for cultural acceptance, but these types of demands are unacceptable.

Seriously, you're locked up! What makes you think you can make demands in the first place?
Seriously, you're locked up! What makes you think you can make demands in the first place?

Because he knows there are activists groups that will drag the names of the people that run the prison into the ground if they don't give in to his demands. What other possible reason would there be to even report something so obscure? Just to get people thinking about how prison life is and how all people that run the prisons are "evil".

How about the victims of the crimes that the convicts commited? Oh, I forgot, after a crime has been commited we forget about the victim and the criminal takes their place. :dunce:
Why must the world be full of so many idiots? Can't he be happy that they're providing him halal food? I mean, making noise to give the people who bring you food a hard time? In most places, that'll guarantee all forms of saliva and urine in his food....
I have some knowledge and experience of the muslim boys. Lets just say that if you hear some boys mention the name I suggest you distance yourself.

Seriously that gang scares the **** out of me, and most of the other big local gangs.

Right now in the UK we are suffering from being overly PC. I think we should extradite people to countries with execution laws, and not etradite anyone bush asks for, as we dont get those favours returned.

Blair needs to go, and the right wingers need a stint in parliament to toughen things up. Id lket abu rott in jail, and not put him in a jail where muslims runs the show, but one where the football hooligans etc do.
First of all, racism is legal (both here and in the UK I believe).

Secondly, if the state decides to cater to this guy's demands, it's their fault not his. He's a crackpot, we should expect no better from him. It's the government that you have a reason to expect more from (given that you're paying for it).
I can just imagine it now in the headlines:
"It has been deemed unconstitutional to punish criminals"

Freaking stupid.
Oh my god, his guaranteed three square meals a day are being tainted by the infidels!
He should eat the (un)tainted food he's given, or not eat at all.

Better yet, give him his Muslim-prepared food... but make sure it's only pork products.
:grumpy: Is that freak still in the UK? I thought he was getting extradited to the US? Hope you guys throw his hate preaching ass in a supermax, then melt the key to make a bullet with his name on it! Seriously, Its guys like this that remind us why we have to repeal all human rights legislation in the UK.

The other thing does he know non-muslim hands didn't handle it before it got to the prison. Who slaughtered the livestock or picked the vegatables. This mentality is radically, for lack of a better word, racist.

It would have to be Halal. I don't know about other countries (apart from Muslim nations), but in the UK, there is Halal food. Halal usually refers to meats and poultry that have been prepared/slaughtered according to Sharia laws, but it can loosly mean anything to do with Musilm dietry laws.

The next time you fall into a a kebab shop after a night on the town. Pay attention to the signs on the front of the shop. If the shop is owned by Arabs, there is a good chance that the meat inside is Halal. :yuck:
My muslim mate tells me that halal meat gets prayed on apparantly lord knows if thats true or not abu no-handza (get it no hands) boy what are gonna do with him everybody tells him if you don't like the county and you don't like the people of this country why don't you leave but we all know why he won't cause he can abuse the system which is what he is doin now I swear I'll feed him bacon sandwiches all day everyday and for them muslim boys the same thing I bet he will loose his "boys" in no time excuse my french but what a c**t.
Id lket abu rott in jail, and not put him in a jail where muslims runs the show, but one where the football hooligans etc do.

Apart from the rather poor spelling, I would personally much rather have our prisons run bythe prison service.

I fail to see the advantage of one group of midless thugs running it over another.

A muslim in prison asking for halal meals I can certainly understand, but to say its contaminated because its handled or touched by a non-muslim is utter tosh.

Mt dad worked in the gulf for over a decade and the vast majority of food preperation is done by Indians, most of whom are non-muslim.

Seems to be fine for muslims in Kuwait, Bharain, Saudi and the UAE to have non-muslims handle food so it should be fine for those in British prisons.

My muslim mate tells me that halal meat gets prayed on apparantly lord knows if thats true or not [*snip*]
A small prayer and the animal's throat must be cut through the jugular. All the veins and arteries in that area need to be completely severed in order for it to be considered Halal. Some people will accept kosher food since that's a reasonable in-between of the traditional mass farmed meat and Halal, but the stricter people won't eat it unless the food actually is halal.

As for who has to handle the meat, the guy is being a douche and trying to throw his weight around. If I remember correctly (I probably don't), the prayer and slaughtering can be done by just about anyone who knows what to say and what to do.
What annoys me is that there'd be outcry if a caucasian person said that they didn't want their food touched by muslim hands.
Apart from the rather poor spelling, I would personally much rather have our prisons run bythe prison service.

I fail to see the advantage of one group of midless thugs running it over another.

A muslim in prison asking for halal meals I can certainly understand, but to say its contaminated because its handled or touched by a non-muslim is utter tosh.

Mt dad worked in the gulf for over a decade and the vast majority of food preperation is done by Indians, most of whom are non-muslim.

Seems to be fine for muslims in Kuwait, Bharain, Saudi and the UAE to have non-muslims handle food so it should be fine for those in British prisons.


Political Correctness gone awry.

Which is strange, since the English comedy is usually the opposite way around.
tell you what, serve him food like every body else and if he refuses to eat tough luck, he will die and that means he commited an unvoluntary suicide meaning that he died as an infidel, in islam killing ones self is a sin "God gave you life and he is the one responsible of taking it, other than being killed"

Islamic cleric Abu Hamza al-Masri has been given the go-ahead to challenge his convictions.

Lawyers for Abu Hamza, 48, told the Court of Appeal that the long delay in bringing a prosecution against him had made a fair trial "impossible".

Judges at the London court said the case was "arguable" and agreed to a full hearing in October.

Abu Hamza, who did not appear in court, was jailed for seven years for inciting racial hatred and soliciting murder.

'Adverse publicity'

Edward Fitzgerald, QC for the preacher, told the court that his client was convicted on the basis of speeches he had made between 1997 and 2000 - six years before his trial.

In our judgment there are a number of grounds drawn to our attention which are arguable
Sir Igor Judge

"This meant that a unique series of events supervened which prejudiced his chances of a fair trial."

Mr Fitzgerald said these events included the 11 September attacks on New York, and the 7 July bombings in London.

"It further meant that he was subjected to a relentless campaign of adverse media publicity condemning him as a preacher of hate and inciter of violence," he said.

Martyr claims

Sir Igor Judge, sitting with two other senior judges, said he did not wish to "raise any false optimism" for Abu Hamza.

He added: "But in our judgment there are a number of grounds drawn to our attention which are arguable."

Abu Hamza, a former imam at a mosque in Finsbury Park in north London, was found guilty by an Old Bailey jury of 11 charges - including six of soliciting murder.

Following the conviction, his lawyer said he considered himself "a prisoner of faith" subject to "slow martyrdom".

He is also wanted in the US on charges of providing support to al-Qaeda, and over his alleged involvement in a hostage-taking conspiracy in Yemen.

The US is seeking his extradition but has agreed to postpone proceedings until after his appeal has been resolved.

Just kick him out of the country. If he hates it so much, why is he here, after having sponged of the taxpayer for years?
Serve this idiot a Spam sammi and a juice drink and say, "Eat up, Johnny, 'cause this is all you're getting!" And, if he doesn't want to eat, then let him die of starvation. The world wont miss him.
Wow, this guy reminds me of...a 3-year-old kid! No, wait, I take that back. This guy makes me appreciate babysitting a 3-year-old kid. At least the kid won't complain about the food you feed him (especially if it's pizza!). To a point, anyways. Brussel sprouts and broccolli are a different story.

In all seriousness, I think that the whole "freedom of religion" thing can get carried a bit too far out of hand. Especially when it comes to this. I completely agree that this guy should be ordered to eat the "tainted food" regardless of what he says, thinks, feels, or believes.

A revelation just hit me. This is the pendulum's swing. If things don't get balanced, then what's going to happen is the pendulum's swing the other way, and that's a scary thought. I think it's time people quit abusing their privelages and pick their battles wisely, like this guy and his "tainted food". Things like that are a joke, and to allow it is to open a 'Pandora's Box'.