leopard on windows comp

I'd like to try this, I've already got alot of mac stuff on my PC, it's take me forever to download all this though. Hmm, after reading the page, I think I'm going to wait till some more testing on this has been done.
Just buy a Mac. Seriously.

I've tried and tested it before. The background hacking you need to do with some apps makes this very unfeasible for anything beyond an experimental testbed. Frankly, I'd advise against even that unless you plan on running it through a virtual machine since the hassle of reformatting for an experimental operating system is really beyond what most people should want or need. If you run an AMD processor, you won't get the same quality of performance. Even if you run intel, you run the issue of bugs and small instability problems as well as the fact that you can never run mac update until a fix is posted.

If you can't afford a new mac, check the eBays of the world for a used G4 Mac Mini with at least a gig of ram. It'll do you some good unless you plan on running Adobe CS3.

If you need reasons to get a mac, go to your local Apple Store on a weekday morning or right as they open. Just sit down and play with the toys they have on display before the crowds rush in. They don't really impose any limitations on what you can/can't do on their demo machines.

If you need more reasons and want high power, don't forget that the Mac Pro is pretty competitively priced for an ultra high performance workstation. You can easily bootcamp that sucker and run a partition with XP / Vista in their respective 64 bit editions
If you need more reasons and want high power, don't forget that the Mac Pro is pretty competitively priced for an ultra high performance workstation. You can easily bootcamp that sucker and run a partition with XP / Vista in their respective 64 bit editions
Are you kidding? Here, the base model is £1700, and apart from the Xeon processor, you only get 1GB of RAM, a Nvidia 7300, and a 250GB Hard Drive. And to upgrade those on the website is fairly expensive. It's just darned expensive.

It'll be cheaper to upgrade the parts yourself, but still.

Edit: Alright, it might be good if you spec it highly for a server, but it seems expensive for personal use.

I would suggest buying a proper Mac too.
Ohh goody.... That's what XenServers and the likes are for :-) I'll try it and see how things work out !...
Edit: Alright, it might be good if you spec it highly for a server, but it seems expensive for personal use.

I would suggest buying a proper Mac too.

It's way too pricey for personal use. I'm in the process of speccing out and building new workstations for my brother's office. These will be ultra high end 2d design workstations. To give you an idea, I've been given a budget of about $3000-3500 for the primary workstation alone. From the parts prices I've seen and from the prefab setups I've found, the Mac Pro wins. I could come close if I did it myself and I'd have various optimizations in place (Matrox video card), but then we'd need a separate mac mini or something to replace the outdated PowerMac G4 we have now

As far as upgrades go, I wouldn't consider letting Apple do them - they charge too much for the quality of parts they drop in. Similar/better can be had for about 1/2 the price
I'd get a Mac but thats just too pricy for my position right now. As for this hack, I wouldn't run it to replace windows it'd be more of a toy and not something i'd use or even keep. Either way, this hack is still pretty interesting...