Lets see how creatve we are!

  • Thread starter Picc84
I'm making a racing game, Top down, its going to be awesome. Upgrades, many tracks that LOOK good, which i'm Going to TRY and re-create real life tracks for a first, I doubt that will work out to good.... But i'm going to try! uhm... Anyways, I need Cars... I'm thinking no bigger than 100pixles wide, and X high (porprotionat) to the car please?

These can be scaled of real pictures, or pixel draw's. I don't care. But credit will be givin, and i"ll be releasing the game here on GTP!
try something with a habbo hotel-like interface, where everything is a pixel drawing at an isometric view.
So something like this? S2000


Edit: I missed the "top down" part. Retry. Porsche Boxter.

Haha alright thanks! It will not be in flash, its going to be something your going to need to download as an executable. I'm going to need a team probably later on in development if anyones interested in doing GUI or something... But keep em' coming

so far I have the...

Skyline R34
Porsha 911
Masarati Merk SS
Haha, I know, That I had done before, I just could not remember. I've done allot sense than, and even than I could write games... lmao
Hm.. I may be able to find a few...

Well, we pixel car guys don't take kindly to people taking our work without permission, so if you do go ahead with that idea make sure you ask first. ;)
Yep, I have contacts with ever GM of most company's!

By contacts do you mean that you have the websites of the companies or do you have the direct dial number for the GM? 'Cause unless you have a direct dial you're not getting anywhere and even with a DD you'll still have to get beyond the secretary. Good luck with that one 👍
jeeze, it was a joke? lmao; Its a fun game, it isent going anywhere, theres no point in being stupid about useing real cars or tracks?