Level A and level B


May the force be with you
Top Valley, NG5
Well ive re-started my 1st account that got corrupted in march, and my aim is to level 40 A and B spec as quickly as possible.
A spec will be done by picking certain races to get cars required to go further, Online racing and seasonals.

B spec will be achieved mainly by remote, but again picking certain B spec racess to aquire wanted cars.
I produced 6 B spec drivers all in white stig suits Vatanan Hakinen Hamilton Vetel Shumacker and Berger, Im having a small championship to see who gets to 40 first. they will all be raced fairly given the same exact B spec races and of course online, there will be no coaching.

Im not aiming to get the platinum trophy just level 40 in both as quick as possible, Im 12 hours into this [3 hours per day] and already A spec 30 and B spec 32.

Anyone one else have an unusual aproach to this.

Edit my current acc mark20002 is already completed.

Updated B spec levels.
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Last time I did this online B-spec took me 1 month 12 days for level 40, but it can be done a lot faster, certainly now with the 200% bonus.
I started a new account recently with the sole intention of using just premium cars with no added parts, standard tyres they come with and only race online (seasonals) and do no BSpec. I got to L36 over the course of a weekend and then forget all about it until I read this thread!
Im buying as few cars as possible, I have 3 other accounts with well over 1200 cars so just borrowing as well.
The first time I reached level 40 A-spec it took over 6 months and then my game flew the coop...Starting from scratch with 20,000 in my left pants pocket and a clean slate I managed to reach level 40 A-spec again in only 22 days. Due to health issues and a ton of time on my hands it was rather easy. I reckon I could've done it far faster than that too.With horse blinders on I'm sure it could be easily achieved inside of a week. I had less than 12,000km's total and I wasted alot of time doing most of the cheap A-spec series' just to get the cars again.(I had forgotten what all the prize cars were.)
I'm allergic to b-spec so I can't speak on that.
I'm allergic to b-spec so I can't speak on that.

I understand the allergy bro but it's a rare allergy, it won't affect you when you're sleeping :)
Last time I did this online B-spec took me 1 month 12 days for level 40, but it can be done a lot faster, certainly now with the 200% bonus.

Yeah it's far more facile and possible to level up your B-spec drivers to the tip more quickly, since a new update came out. Imagine how fast you can bring your bobs up to level 40 with an excessively fast car such as the X2010. :sly:
Just like to add ive reached A-spec level 40 and B-spec level 40 in a little over 12 days from start. As stated ealier in OP this isnt a game completed it was to see how quick these levels could be reached in reasonable time. Ive spent approx 3 hours per day exept for the 24hr lemans race that took a constant 24hrs and is documented elsewhere.
I do believe time permitted this can be achieved far quicker maybe around a week.
I had a fair bit of help from friends racing all 6 bobs for me and thanks to them Rage and stigy.

Now im going to leasurely complete the game with competive cars.