Lexus Bandai

United States
South Carolina
in general turn for the car as there is only 1 bandai tune on the tune page & its not that great . or does no 1 tune Japanese gt500 cars ?!
thanks for any help
A tune made for any of the GT500 Lexus's should work fine on the Bandai, so maybe try one made for the Petronas or Denso SC430?
problem with that is the RH ajustments are different the Bandai '06 car RH only goes to -15 ,where the other 3 cars that are '08's goes to i think -40 but the springs are the same and the Aero is different as well so ,its hard to change .
lol thanks alot ,that what ive been doing thats why i came on here to see what other people would say . besides what ive been doing ,people ask for advice and give ideas all the time nice lol . test and tune helps me none cause im already doing that . i just need a different side of it , maby someone who knew the cars better than me .
I have a tune for it, but my machine is broke so I cant get to my saved data. Someone might be able to point you in the right direction if you listed problems your having, such as understeer, oversteer etc etc. But you were asking for a full tune.
Thanks , appreciate it alot , my tune i got off the gt5 tune page & its to tight and the trans is slow to get up to speed, im wondering if the lsd is rong or i need to have a seperate tune for the trans . i need it to turn in better and out better , im fighting tight, i like the car to be lose enough to turn in and out ya know.i wish the car was freerer if that makes sense esp for turns .
number of things you could try, for your understeer I wud suggest less rear downforce or more front downforce. This will make the front grip better and it might make the car slide a bit. Another thing I like is negative front toe, I usually dont go higher then -0.12, and rear toe I would try at 0.00. If the car has to much oversteer or if you want to reduce it try a +0.6 to +0.10. Suspension wise I would aim for stiff springs. Most cars I start tuning I try to make the rear a little more stiffer. I would lower the ride height to about 2 points from the minimum. But Do these one at a time to notice cars behavoir. If the RH lower in front better turn in, lower rear will create oversteer, try them evenly and work from there. camber I would go with a 1.0 for front and 0.4 for rear. I usually try to stay below 2.0. Im not very good with dampers, usually I cant even tell the difference. For your tranny, depending on track, You want to be about redlining at the longest straight. If you plan to draft and pass you can
lengthing the gears. Your overall top speed is about 7mph slower then it says in the top right top speed. Adjusting the gear sliders left = quicker accel, lower top speed. Slider right= slower accel, higher top speed. Final effects all gears making each shorter or a longer gear. Try these and hopefully they help. I do remember I tuned this specific car for Suzuka Circuit. And after about 20 mins of tuning the car felt great. Also I dont mess to much with LSD but I do Know running to high of braking sensitivety will create understeer, but thats what I have personlly felt.
thanks for telling me ill give them a shot , im running the car at nurb gp/f this up comming weekend and gotta tune it for there , great track but gotta make it so that it turns there .
Keep in mind the Nurb GP tracks have some corners that are natural understeer corners because of track conditions or slightly negative camber. If you tune for those corners you may find you have dramatic oversteer on the slightly banked corners. It's a trade off at that track for sure.
yeh u cant tune for every corner its impossible lol . but in the corners at nurb the car just washes way out in the turns i cant keep it tight and power on . out of the turns ,maby im not supposed to .
Nice, I run the nurburg original and 24 hour track alot, not to much on the GP track, but I believe that has a fairly decent straight, personly I would make the gearing closer, make it so your just redlining in 6th, If I can get to my cuzs house tommorrow I will try and recreate my tune and send it ur way, I still have a guy waiting for a 06 ford gt daytona setup so if I have time i'll see what I can cook up. For banked corners keep playing with toe and camber and throttle upon exit.
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Thanks bro appreciate it , ran the 24hr nurb race at night did 20 laps in the dark with no driveline , alot of fun if u ask me with a wheel .
Your lucky, as I use controller lol, but my setups usually work for wheels, at least what i've been told from friends with wheels. This is a maxed out bandai or your race this weekend have restrictions. PP or weight, tires?
i use a controller mainly just wanted to see what nurb 24hr was like , no restrictions my lexus is fully tuned 649 pp oil change ,engine rebuild, chassy restore , all parts . going against those fast nissans lol, highhats ,calsonics. theres a 5 lap qualifyer then a race with reverse starting order .
If I could get to my save data youd be in heaven, as I use to run in a JGTC online league when the game first came out, most races were a hour to a hour and a half long. My preferred car was the Nissan WOODONE ADVAN Clarion GT-R (SUPER GT) ‘08, boosting 700+hp with high range turbo and with a mid range turbo for tracks with lots of turns. It was a straight up monster. I did tune all my JGTC's including standards and the ADVAN I was the most consistent with, btw lap time wise it crushed the Lexus's. I did prefer the orange Lexus though, orange is my fav color. :P
Also if you want a competitve race stick with Lexus, but pound for pound the XANAVI NISMO Z is the best, out of the new dealership it comes out of the box with if I recall 500lbs ft torque, if you compare to all other JGTC's which have 2 or 300.
good news, i'm spending the night at my cuzs, so I can play bf3 and gt5, bad news is, hes a lvl 19 and I think Bandai lvl 21 to purchase?