Liberal Wackos

  • Thread starter wellyrn


Liberal "wackos" are trying to improve the world for everyone. They aren't suggesting Christians be forced to be pot smoking sodomites. If homosexuals were in the majority liberals wouldn't be looking to put a constitutional ban on straight marriage. Stoners aren't looking for drug testing to make sure everyone has THC in thier system. Even the most extreme left wingers have never suggested manditory beliefs or practices. How do the conservatives (i know you are out there) jusify the totalitarianism inherent in thier beliefs?

There are tons of topics discussing the actual issues. Please try to keep this one from degrading to specific blank vs. anti blank.
This is precisely the reason why I'm not a Conservative. It's truly unfortunate that in most Western politics you can't get the moral liberalness combined with fiscal conservatism, because that's the perfect combination. If you go with the Left in order to gain personal freedom it seems you also have to accept a large amount of fiscal repression... and vice versa. Trying to reduce the amount of fiscal government is for some reason unseperable from also reducing the amount of personal freedom. It makes no sense.

Which is precisely why I am a Libertarian: the best of both worlds. Personal and fiscal freedom in one convenient package. It's an 18-karat gold idea, and we can't even give it away.
If only it were as simple as telling the conservative right that they should quit telling me how to live my life.

It doesn't work when you say the same thing to liberal wackos who want to redistribute everyone's money and it doesn't work when you tell conservative wackos to mind their own business.

Like Mel Gibson once said...

Liberals are the downfall of the society. They tell me that I should give my money away (welfare programs), they want to violate the Constitution (2nd Amendment), they are for murder (abortion), they protest, you get tree huggers in the mix who tell me my SUV is big and pollutes, and I could go on.

I'm a Conservative 110%. If I make money, I'm keeping it and if I want to own a gun, then I will be.
I'm a Conservative 110%. If I make money, I'm keeping it and if I want to own a gun, then I will be.

You gonna tell me I should worship jesus christ or that I shouldn't smoke dope?
Liberals are the downfall of society. I don't totally disagree.

Society is definitely getting worse rather than better. I think religious conservatism is a great concept that doesn't doesn't work in practice. I think we are experiencing a moral backlash of sorts. Hopefully there is a meeting in the middle rather than further seperation that will lead to either anarchy or dictatorship. But the majority of Liberals are in the middle.

Conservatives cause harm by dominating people and then there are Anarchists who cause harm through careless actions. Some people don't realize that the left wing extends past mainstream Liberals. That is almost theoretical, however, because they are virtually unacknowleged in mainstream society.

If society continues to move to the left imagine what will happen. Conservatives continue to try to restore "moral rightness" with stronger laws and enforcement. It could result in a major war between the steadfast right and the various groups they marginalize.

Polarizing our beliefs is dangerous. Conservatives can't push to the right, as they are now, or else the rift between them and the liberals will grow. When the gap is too great war will break out, as it always does, because of failure to communicate.

No one has to give up thier beliefs, they just need to be accepting of everyone elses. There is room for everyone. But thats just the way i see it.
If homosexuals were in the majority liberals wouldn't be looking to put a constitutional ban on straight marriage.

The one point that the conservatives miss time and time again in all their pig-headed bull**** regarding homsexuals is simply that gay people only want to expand their own rights. They don't want to infringe on the rights of conservatives. Meanwhile, conservatives DO want to infringe on the rights of gays - JUST BECAUSE THEY'RE GAY. Conservative bias and hatred toward gays is the exact same as bias and hatred toward blacks during the civil rights movement of the 1960s.
You gonna tell me I should worship jesus christ or that I shouldn't smoke dope?
No and no.

I think both the conservative and liberal extremes are wrong.
John Kerry's "Democratic" platform specifically states that everybody should be allowed to own whatever type of vehicle they want, including SUV's. Of course this had to be specifically stated because it is, in fact, unclear.

If you shoot heroin, fine. I don't want to pay for it.

If you want to have an abortion, fine. I don't want to pay for it.

Wellyrn has practically admitted he is not a liberal, but a libertarian, but he probably doesn't know it yet.
Actually, read some of his other posts. He's pretty solidly in the "Liberal" camp, from my point of view.
John Kerry's "Democratic" platform specifically states that everybody should be allowed to own whatever type of vehicle they want, including SUV's. Of course this had to be specifically stated because it is, in fact, unclear.

If you shoot heroin, fine. I don't want to pay for it.

If you want to have an abortion, fine. I don't want to pay for it.

I've got to agree with these, but to continue along that line of thinking...

If you don't want to work for a living, fine. I don't want to pay for it.

If you want to have 16 children, fine. I don't want to pay for it.

If you want to go to the doctor 16 times a month, fine. I don't want to pay for it.
For most people its hard to put them strictly in one camp or another , I may have whats considered right wing views on foriegn policy but on social issues I'm most likely considered a left leaning liberal. On taxation and economic issues I'm most likely considered a moderate right winger . So what's that make me besides confusing or an Independant ?
BlazinXtreme get tree huggers in the mix who tell me my SUV is big and pollutes, ...

your saying it's not, and it doesn't ???

anyways, I don't really believe in welfare, I don't believe the Fed should only be the army, either. The Fed should definitely be smaller though. States should have more responsibility, as they were intended to. And every law abiding citizen should be able to own a gun. I also believe the constitution should be retired and a new one written. I don't even beilieve the FoundingFathers intended theirs to last this long.
I also believe the constitution should be retired and a new one written.

Please, not in the victim-filled whiney, corporation hating atmosphere we have right now. Not until people are willing to take a little responsibility.

The preamble of the new consitution would read something like:

"We the people, feel we have a right to everything we want - to be provided by the people who have more than we do."


"We the people, in order to not be responsible for our actions, will force others to bail us out regardless of how much we screw up our lives."


"We the people, in order to form a more perfect union of victims, will sue anyone who looks at us funny, and every corporation that tells us to work harder for the money it gives us." ordain and establish this document of entitlement - er constitution - of the United States of America... with liberty and justice for anyone who can convince us they are needy.
^ please tell me you seriously don't think that's how i would right it?? that is absolutely ridiculous.... I'm all for personal accountability and i don't think i ever supported the "sue happy" crowd, and i never will. I still believe we need a completely overhauled document. Something written in modern language, and not so vauge in some areas. It's a great document, possibly one of the greatest (in original format)! but it's outdated, and not specific as it apparently needs to be in some areas. but i'm not going to get into that in here.
^ please tell me you seriously don't think that's how i would right it?? that is absolutely ridiculous.... I'm all for personal accountability and i don't think i ever supported the "sue happy" crowd, and i never will. I still believe we need a completely overhauled document. Something written in modern language, and not so vauge in some areas. It's a great document, possibly one of the greatest (in original format)! but it's outdated, and not specific as it apparently needs to be in some areas. but i'm not going to get into that in here.

I didn't say that's how you'd write it. I'm afraid that's how it would be written in today's political atmosphere.
how do you want to make sure who the law abiding citizens are? i'd rather take a gun from an law abiding citizen than giving a gun to a criminal...

and what would you do without wellfare if you had no job, maybe no education, no home, no money, no realatives or whatever?
I guess I'd have to find a job, then wouldn't I? Landscapers and carpenters can always use another laborer, even unskilled.
I guess I'd have to find a job, then wouldn't I? Landscapers and carpenters can always use another laborer, even unskilled.
if you could find a job so easily, where does mass unemployment come from?
your saying it's not, and it doesn't ???

Big? 103 in wheel base...smaller then a Camary.
Pollutes? No more then any other car, it passes Government regulations

and what would you do without wellfare if you had no job, maybe no education, no home, no money, no realatives or whatever?

You can get a job, every McDonalds will hire anyone who can push buttons. It may not be a wonderful job but you can get one. I wouldn't mind giving a little help to people who are trying. But fat ass lazy people, who have a ton of kids, do drugs and want my money can just be poor and die off for all I care. I should have a say if I want my money to go towards dead beats or not.

i'd rather take a gun from an law abiding citizen than giving a gun to a criminal...

So how the hell do you suppose I hunt? Skeet shoot? or target shoot?
heh, hunting clay disks for food...

Oh, and a demeaning job is a job none-the-less, and it's better than nothing eh? And if I can find it, and it wasn't posted here, I'm bringing the political compass here.

*EDIT* Here it is
So how the hell do you suppose I hunt? Skeet shoot? or target shoot?

Believe it or not, you and all other Americans can get through their lives without hunting. In fact, 180 million of us manage to go without being backwater hicks every year.
A million LOLs at above. When you think about it do you realy need to shoot things? Then i wonder how i would feel if people said i couldn't collect swords, or go out and chop bamboo with them.
What I really do not need is self rightouse ding dongs telling me what I need. I like to hunt and I like to sport shoot or target shoot. I also like to carry a handgun for self defense. Its not a question of need . Its a question of rights , I reserve the rights to protection from people who think they know whats good for everyone else . do you need more than one car ? Do you need more than 4 rooms in your house ? Do you need more than 2 or 4 sets of clothes ? Do you really need a car ? Well you do not need them and we are taking it away and giving all of your money and property that you DO NOT NEED to the state ! Because others are needy ! I need more ammunition.
You can get a job, every McDonalds will hire anyone who can push buttons. It may not be a wonderful job but you can get one. I wouldn't mind giving a little help to people who are trying. But fat ass lazy people, who have a ton of kids, do drugs and want my money can just be poor and die off for all I care. I should have a say if I want my money to go towards dead beats or not.
that does not answer my question. where does mass unemployment come from, when it is so easy to get a job?

So how the hell do you suppose I hunt? Skeet shoot? or target shoot?
well, in germany it is not so easy to get a gun, but we still have people who hunt and who do sport shooting. they have to get licenses (just like you need to drive a car) and they have to prove that they are law abiding citizens and then they can get a rifle or handgun.

though you can't get an full automatic mashine gun over here, but you don't need them to hunt anyway. we have less guns and less shootings here.
Believe it or not, you and all other Americans can get through their lives without hunting. In fact, 180 million of us manage to go without being backwater hicks every year.

wow what an ignorant, prejudiced statement. so now everyone that hunts is a 'backwater' hick? so then you have no problem with me saying that everyone who drives a honda is a punk kid who is a F&F fanboy?