Libya blames Italy for deadly cartoon protest (AFP)

See, us Americans aren't the only ones that blame others for our problems. The rest of the world does it too, only they blame another county instead of McDonald's.
like, duh!

But, seriously, that minister, you know, a person that others look up to for advice, not only in religion but also in life, really screwed up. I don't think it justifies arson, which would be a felony offense over here, but that see,s typical of Arabic people. And they say they like peace. I don't get pissed when someone says "God doesn't exist, you cracker". I laugh. They should, too. I really don't want to know what would happen if Muslims got their eyes on Family Guy. It would be the end of the world! Why can't they just not care for once? Take a joke.
I think I am more offended by the fact that the Italian prime minister caved in and asked the minister to resign.