License Demo Run AI driver failing for some reason.

United States
United States
When playing the GT4 disc on my non-jailbroken, backwards compatible CECHE01 PS3, the license test Demo replays don't work properly. For some reason, the AI driver crashes and fails on some, but not all tests, like B-15. I read that it happens because it's showing a replay of your own failed attempt, but it still does this on license tests I haven't even started yet. Why is this? My PS3 and my copy of the game are legit, it's not like I'm playing an illegally downloaded ROM on an emulator.

It's pretty bizarre, how hard can it be to show what should be a pre-recorded video of a license demonstration?
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It's a known issue with emulation on the PS3. Something about it causes the inputs to get out of sync so the car doesn't follow the right path. I think it may be similar to the differences between PAL and NTSC but I don't quite remember the details.

Incidentally while looking this up I found the same question answered by myself back in 2009, with much more (unearned) confidence.
Weird, I thought the earlier PS3's had the hardware built in to run PS2 games properly, and not through emulation. Mine is NTSC for the record.
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Back when I had a launch 60GB PS3 it did the same, also on my own replays imported from the PS2 memory card. There's some small but sufficient timing difference, not noticable on short replays but after a few corners things began to go wrong. The game, PS2 and PS3 were all PAL.