License Plate editor

  • Thread starter Worthy1066
Just a bit of fun to keep us going ...
If we get the chance to modify the license plate apart from your normal ID names what tags would you put on the plate ? .
Yeah, right.

You probably have idea where it would end, just to name the few that already exists:




Not to speak about stupid kids that would enjoy in things like:


And such.

So answer is "no thanx". Forza 2 and 3 learned us all what happens when you allow people to have creativity.
Like amar212 showed, this will be abused.

If it was allowed, something like "2fast4u" comes in mind. Although i'm not worthy to have such a license plate, as i'm usually the one behind. :P
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Kind of stupid maybe, but if you could use the letters from your PSN ID you'd avoid a lot of abuse.

For example:

Humpus -> HUMPUS
Terminator -> TRMNTR or something like that.

Besides, Life For Speed has the licence plate option, and I don't think you can call it abused there.
Give people creativity, I mean would it really bother you that much if someone put something you didn't like on a plate?

What's worse is that both times (yes I saw it more than once) it was on the back of a 911.

That doesn't bother me at all. Am I a Nazi? No of course not, but they are just words. It's not like by putting a plate on the back of a car that says something like is going to cause mass genocide or invade neighbouring countries. I think some people need to grow thicker skin to be honest.
That doesn't bother me at all. Am I a Nazi? No of course not, but they are just words.

Then go talk to someone who has suffered from that regime, and I don't only mean the millions of people who have died, both on the battlefield and because of their religion, but also those who had to put up with all that lunacy and madness in their everyday life.

One of my grandfathers went to concentration camp for criticising the Third Reich and the other was sent to the Eastern front.

So yes, I'm very offended if people see this being "funny" or "cool" or even "cynical".

If I came across such a joker in any game, be sure I'd report him to my authorities so they can have a look whether it infringes our laws.

If that's an actual, real life licence plate in the US, I accept that because it's none of my business and I respect the US law system.

But if anyone dares to bring that sort of crap on my TV screen in my living room, then that's where it ends.
*lots of words about history*

History happened, deal with it. Words don't hurt anyone, actions do. And really if you are racing online are you really going to be paying attention to the car-in front-of-you's license plate or the track?

And to be honest, and you'll know this because you are from Germany, but Führer means leader. It doesn't necessarily mean Hitler. I mean for goodness sake the word is part of your word for driver's license (Führerschein).
Depends on how many letters/numbers would be allowed on a plate. In real life, there's so many restrictions (some states here are only 6 letters, others allow 9) so it would be a toss up as to what I would write. But here's some suggestions for the 6 letter size, some are neat, some are a little risque:

U LOST (You Lost.)
UR2SLO (You're 2 slow, my mate has it on his S14 w/RB26. :mischievous: )
CACHUP (Catch Up.)
CACHME (Catch Me.)
DBLNDA (Double Ender, yes I'm immature. :P)
DAAAMN (Damn in Chris Tucker voice! :sly: )
BUZZ4U (I'd fit this to an RX7!)
PUNTER (To lull people into thinking I AM a punter and make way for easy passes! :D)
ILRAMU (I'll Ram You, For the same purpose, to fool people! ;))
IOWNDU (I owned you.)
IDO07S (I do 7's, to illustrate my cars awesome pace!)

Anymore than this and I'll be doing a novel. :cool:
I'd probably stick the actual plate I have on my car. even better if they allow Illinois plates. X3

or BURNIN8R (either suitable for a C63 AMG)

However, I doubt this'll happen. Sure, it's cute, but in the end it really doesn't add a whole lot to gameplay...and you should be able to edit the license plate in the Livery Editor, if that shows up, and they do it right.
I'd probably stick the actual plate I have on my car. even better if they allow Illinois plates. X3

That's what I did with the JCW MINI in Forza, I made it look similar to my car and even stuck my plate on the back of it. Thank goodness for the store front though because I really didn't want to have to make a Michigan plate.
hehe Amar can be such a purist sometimes.;) Lighten up man, I think this is a great idea to add a little bit of individuality to your ride, cuz there's probably not going to be any livery editor ala forza, although one can still hope...
As for me, I don't care one bit what other drivers license plates say.
KDM 488

A completely normal license plate. Back when I had Tokyo Extreme Racer Zero I bought every car so that I could rename if after its real name, and I made a different and real life accurate license plate for each.
I would like plates, just because I get tired of the cars name on the front and rear. And the option to remove the front plate

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