Depends on how many letters/numbers would be allowed on a plate. In real life, there's so many restrictions (some states here are only 6 letters, others allow 9) so it would be a toss up as to what I would write. But here's some suggestions for the 6 letter size, some are neat, some are a little risque:
U LOST (You Lost.)
UR2SLO (You're 2 slow, my mate has it on his S14 w/RB26.

CACHUP (Catch Up.)
CACHME (Catch Me.)
DBLNDA (Double Ender, yes I'm immature.

DAAAMN (Damn in Chris Tucker voice!

BUZZ4U (I'd fit this to an RX7!)
PUNTER (To lull people into thinking I AM a punter and make way for easy passes!

ILRAMU (I'll Ram You, For the same purpose, to fool people!

IOWNDU (I owned you.)
IDO07S (I do 7's, to illustrate my cars awesome pace!)
Anymore than this and I'll be doing a novel.