Links layout on website, how would you do it?


Expert daydreamer
New Zealand
New Zealand
Not trying to advertise my site here as not really bothered about hit counts or anything, but my brother (who designed the site since i'm no good with graphic editing/creating programmes) and i were wondering about ways to lay out the links a bit better on my Gran Turismo site.

While i kinda like the way it is at the mo, i'm sort of unsure about it too. I prefer having the page links easily visible and would like drop down links, but everytime we tried to get them to work it went all funky looking (he was using images as baground in the drop down menu).
In WYSIWYG mode in my version of Dreamweaver (MX, v6.0) anyway (i can't update websites using code - have enough trouble with motivation as it is). He's almost given up trying to get them to show properly when updating the site so they are just sitting in tables at the mo.

How it looks now:

Various other link locations tried in the past (when there were less pages);
November 2001
February 2004
April 2005
August 2006

Is this basically the best/only decent way we can tidily arrange the links in Dreamweaver MX? I don't have the money to buy a new programme, and i've not long upgraded to Dreamweaver from Frontpage Express anyway. :P
Learning css is fairly simple. Learn ID's and classes and designing is simplified. PhP academy on youtube is a great way to learn..,
I've tried it once or twice before and kinda got the very basics of it, but then gave up as it was too time consuming. :/