Linux Help Please


Staff Emeritus
United Kingdom
Edinburgh, UK
Hi Guys,
Normally I would try and work this out for myself, but I'm looking to save some time here...

Can anyone give me hints on setting up FTP services on a Red Hat Linux 7 box? Also, A Windows PC on the network appears unable to communicate with the box using its host name, but can communicate using its IP address. Any help on making the Linux box aware of what its own hostname is? I've got the following in /etc/hosts:
Code:   caol-ila   localhost.localdomain localhost

Any hints would be well appreciated. :)
Maybe you created it when you installed your RedHat? Sorry, but I removed my RH7.3, my 200mhz computer just couldn't handle it for every-day use, so I'm using WinME on it. Have you tried RH's community? They have lots of users there, and they'd have much more knowledge than any of us GT fans.