Liscensin of names and other materials in GT

  • Thread starter bkeljda
United States
Las Vegas, NV
As many of you know I had created a thread which discussed that i had found Maserati in the credits of GT:PSP and many have said that was because of the fact that PD needed a liscense(i have no clue how to spell that word) for Maserati seeing as how there was a real life poster of Maserati on a building on the Tokyo track. While I agree that it doesnt mean Maserati is going to be in GT5 i have also found that Porsche has been used quite a number of times in the story of a car in GT:PSP. Not only do they use the Porsche name at least 3 times in the game, they dont have a liscense for Porsche. Now im not bringing this up to prove that Maserati is in GT5 im just conveying that i have found something which most people will say they need a liscense for. I know for sure that if you read the little story on the '09 Nissan GT-R in the game you will see that im not lying. Any ideas on this would be greatly appreciated. And any mods that feel the need to correct anything in this thread can do so.
Mentioning someone's company doesn't need a license. I can say Porsche, Porsche, Porsche, all I want without actually having to give them any money. However, if I were to use their logo or Porsche in its trademark font, then I would.

Hence, why Maserati required a license & Porsche did not.
Isnt that the same thing though because not only do they say Porsche but also the name of several cars such as the Porsche GT2 and GT3(Nissan GT-R), Boxter(RUF 3400S), 993-type Porsche 911(Ruf CTR2), Porsche 930(Ruf CTR Yellowbird), Porsche 911(Ruf BTR),996-type Porsche 911 GT3(Ruf RGT) those are all I remember so far but I mean yea I understand using the name of the company but not really the cars name as well
It's all about using material that you did not create. They are free to say "Porsche sucks for not letting us use their cars in this game." whenever a race is starting, and not have to get the right to say that from Porsche directly. They are free to state facts as they please. But if they want to put something in the game that Porsche has trademarked, or to re-model one of Porsche's cars without their permission, is a big no-no. I do hope they get the license someday...wouldn't mind lapping a gt2 round nurburgring...
It seems as if GT PSPs credits might have been copy pasta'd from GT5

i agree its funny about that seeing as i have never seen the poster on the building in GT:PSP and I've watched countless replays at the track and nothing

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