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The New York TimesTo its ancient list of sins like lust, gluttony and greed, the Roman Catholic Church has added pollution, mind-altering drugs and genetic experiments. In the Vatican newspaper LOsservatore Romano, Msgr. Gianfranco Girotti cited violations of the basic rights of human nature through genetic manipulation, drugs that weaken the mind and cloud intelligence, and the imbalance between rich and poor. It was not the first time the Vatican sought to modernize its list. Last year, it issued a kind of Ten Commandments for drivers against the offenses of road rage, alcohol abuse and rudeness.
Apparently, this is not new, but is it really warranting an indefinite stay in hell if these new sins are committed? Shouldn't the original list have been a set of offenses that covered all areas in generality?
Apparently, the person dictating these 'consulted' God...