I still haven't heard anything about the story of the single player mode. There have been some comments on it in the Little Big Planet thread in the PS3 section but I still have no idea what the story is or how it will work. As far as I can tell the story is about collecting things that have gone missing in the game's world while teaching you things you can do to build your own levels. The main point of the game seems to me is building your own levels.
I want to like this game, it seems fairly innovative but I still think it will be a pain to do things with a controller. I'm sure there are many people who won't find it a pain, Forza is a perfect example of this, I find creating liveries to be hard but judging by what's out there a lot of people don't. I'm guess there will be a lot of people out there like myself who feel the same way, which is why it would be beneficial for a PC release.
If this game is so big for Sony why did they not release a demo? I mean just for the sheer fact of letting you try your hand at the creator and maybe one level which shows game play. Could I rent it? Sure maybe 3 or 4 months from now when the hype dies down.
The open public beta was basically a glorified demo (and totaly differening to closed betas - no feedback required, no glitches, etc, etc), I would not however rule out a demo a short while after launch (hell Warhawk has only now got a demo, so after launch is not something to rule out totally).
From feedback on beta forum I can assure you that the vast majority of users find the create tools very easy to use (they are extremely intuative). Yes some people have found them tricky, but they are very much in the minority.
The single player is basically a find stuff and open stuff up type quest, its got as much depth as the vast majority of platformers have (lets be honest a logical and detailed story never held back Sonic or Mario), it is however a joy to play. Silly as it sounds having acurate, real world physics in a platform game makes a huge amount of difference, stuff acts exactly as you think it should and it makes playing even the single player mode great fun. I will admit that most reviewers have focused mainly on the create side of things, which is of course a vital and important part of the game, however to ignore the single player would be a great shame.
I fully understand why people would like LBP on a PC, I however also fully understand why Sony don't want it on PC, and having played it on the PS3 I have no problem with that at all.
For once (unlike GTA4) its a game that does truely live up to the hype its been given, now that doesn't mean that everyone will like it (such a thing is impossiable - I for one find the entire Halo series dull beyond all reason - doesn't mean they aren't good games), but the vast, vast majority will.
I seriously doubt that Sony and MM will have any concern about selling LMP, nor am I concerned about lack of user support in the future. I for one am almost glad they delayed it, as at least Far Cry 2 is getting played while I wait.
Its also one of the few Beta's that I have played that I realy have missed massively once it closed, its a first day purchase for me without a shadow of doubt.