LMP Wheelspin

  • Thread starter JLawrence
I just bought the C60 Pescarolo, and I am finding that it is a monster to drive at low speed. Is there any way to significantly reduce wheel spin in the lower gears? I am running relatively long 1st and 2nd gears, and a pretty radical LSD which according to all the tuning I have done on everything else I have should have effectively killed it, but I'm not feeling any noticeable difference.

I just bought the C60 Pescarolo, and I am finding that it is a monster to drive at low speed. Is there any way to significantly reduce wheel spin in the lower gears? I am running relatively long 1st and 2nd gears, and a pretty radical LSD which according to all the tuning I have done on everything else I have should have effectively killed it, but I'm not feeling any noticeable difference.


What is your radical LSD setting, i'm tuning the "Peugeot 905 Race Car ‘92" actually , it's so light... it present the same problems. I've fixed partially with a ride height -15/00 very soft rear suspension, LSD 15/15/...
For the gears i prefer in certain case check the power graphic before using long first gears. Sometime when the power grow sudenly with an unregular power curve , it's better to have a spreaded gearbox with +- identics short spaces between gears. This help to stay in rpm with the same torque passing to the wheels.
This work for me .
Actually, I think I managed to tame it a fair bit after running it for a couple hours tonight.
I have it set at 56/8/24, and though it will still get a little loose if you hammer on the throttle in first or second, but it is infinitely nicer to drive. I'm down to a 3:19.5 on Le Mans (at night, I love drivin in the dark lol, and no cutting anywhere) but I'm sure there are a few more seconds to be had with some work on the suspension.
I usually try straighten out before i give it too much gas.
I'm actually looking to replace my hybride with the pescarolo peugeot.
(I also love driving in the dark)
Nothing will truly tame these cars, throttle control or waiting until you're straight are the only real options, but adding + rear toe helps some, though it will increase under-steer.