Because I'm no greedy son of a bachelor and gave away most of my tunes and/or sold them for a measly 50k?
Because I had no interest in becoming a billionaire in Forza too?
Because most of the tunes sold on the AH were "quite ok" but not really perfect to my style?
Because I used to drive without ABS and thus most setups ran too much breaking pressure?
Because learning from the other tuners pushed ALL of them further and everybody gained?
Because all that "profiteering" talk was always a bit rich considering from whom it came from.
Because after all it's the RACE that matters, not how much freaking CRs you had in your bank account?
Because I don't have the time to put a solid tune on 200+ cars?
Because I often took a lower class tune as a basis for my tunes.
Because that's how society works - learning from your peers and predecessors?
Because I never could stand winning only because I drove a frickin' LB tune?
Because, ah, never mind.