Logitech Driving Force GT and GT5??

  • Thread starter yanfloist
Is the Logitech Driving Force GT GT5's (Not GT5p) official steering wheel? I know that the g27 is out now but it doesn't seem that it was made for GT5. (what game is it made for anyway??) I also know that the g25 wasn't made for GT5p either, people were talking about the cockpit view steering problem - how the hand movement is off. I have an old Driving Force Pro, and if the Driving Force GT is the official one for GT5 then I'm not going to get it. However, if the g27 works just as well for GT5 then I'm going to get it instead. Sorry if something like this was asked before. I'm confused.
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DFP was GT4's official wheel, DFGT as far as we know is the official GT5 wheel.

G25/G27's are designed as general PC wheels (and secondly as PS wheel) not designed for a paticular game.