Logitech Driving Force Pro Pedals same axis

  • Thread starter MowTin

It seems my old reliable DFP is not registering the pedals as two separate axes. In windows, when I calibrate, pressing the throttle causes the brake to move too.

In Project Cars when I try to assign throttle and brake, They map to +/- Y axis.

I installed Logitech Profiler and still the same probem. I tried different USB 2.0 or 3.0 ports. Same issue.

Any ideas?
There's a setting in the profiler that toggles the pedals between a combined axis and separate axes, are you sure that's set correctly? There's absolutely no other possible reason this might be happening, except maybe the games you're using remapping them back to a combined axis.
There's a setting in the profiler that toggles the pedals between a combined axis and separate axes, are you sure that's set correctly? There's absolutely no other possible reason this might be happening, except maybe the games you're using remapping them back to a combined axis.

Combined pedals was not checked anywhere.

But I found the solution here...


It seems that I shouldn't plug in the DFP until the Logitech installer program prompts me. So,

1. I uninstalled the Logitech software
2. unplugged the DFP.
3. Restart windows
4. Install Logitech software
5. Plug DFP when sofware prompts you
6. Everything works.