Logitech PS3 Cordless Precision Controller No Go on GT5 Prologue

  • Thread starter brooster
I hate the curve on the R2 and L2 triggers on the SIXAXIS so I bought a Logitech PS3 Cordless Precision Controller.
It works OK on my demo games and it works Squirrely on GTHD.
When I try it on either the Japanese downloaded GT5P Demo or the Blu-Ray Japanese GT5P game it works OK in the menus,
but when the race goes to START the controls go dead. I can still use the start button and the button above it but that's all!

Anybody out there using the same controller on the GT5P games successfully?
Is it set as Controller 1? Is a wheel connected? I have found that if a wheel is connected, it will be the default contoller.
I tried both controller 1 and 2. I tried the first USB and second USB slot. I don't have a wheel. I have a SIXAXIS.

If anybody out there has GT5P and the Logitech cordless could you see if the same thing happens to you?